3D printing with free software

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Joined: 02/18/2016

I would like to experiment with and help my daughter to learn 3D printing. I noticed that on ryf.fsf.org there's the lulzbot printers: https://ryf.fsf.org/categories/3d-printers

They are quite expensive so I want to look for something cheaper - perhaps second hand. But, while I can find 3D printers that are open source hardwarewise, I haven't found information about ones that are running (exclusively) on free software. Also, maybe needless to say, it should be fairly easy to use for beginners.

Any recommendations?

Joined: 08/11/2014

Check here if you find something that suits your needs or a link to such a free software project :


This one looks pretty nice https://www.instructables.com/id/Edge-3D-Printer-an-affordable-open-source-3D-print/

Joined: 01/19/2020

I own a Prusa (specificly model MK2). Firmware for all their printers is released under GPL 3.0 . They also have a slicer, PrusaSlicer, that is libre software (forked from Slic3r). Their newest printer, MK3S, is $ 750.00 USD according to their site. They also released a smaller printer (called MINI) by the end of 2019 that is about half that prize (even I think you can still buy MK2 which would also be cheaper than MK3S). You should consider import taxes (if applicable) in the prizes for your conuntry however (I paid about $ 150.00 USD which I did not expect).

I bought my printer as a kit and learned much building it. Building instructions are very clear (you can see them online in their site). I have enjoyed my printer very much. By the way, I had zero experience in 3D printing when I bought it.

Finally, consider visiting reprap.org, in case you decide to build a printer on your own, getting the components by yourself. You can also get kits there from other companies.