6.0 I18N Looks Good So Far!
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I installed the I18N edition, dated 21-October, onto my netbook, and
noticed some cosmetic things, but no show-stoppers.
First, the music did not play; maybe it's missing, or just needs to be
added to Start Apps? I also found that, when running the distro from a
thumb drive, the shortcuts for getting to the panel, 'run' dialogue, and
menus were not defined. Also, the app-switcher shortcut ('alt+tab') was
missing. Fortunately, I could get to a terminal, run gnome control
center, and add the shortcuts. I can fix sound in the control center,
and can control volumes with media keys, but, should there be a volume
controls widget on the panel?
To make a long story short, the install to hard drive went swimmingly,
and I'm now running a Trisquel that looks like previous versions, but
with the accessibility improvements found in the Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
Great Work, All!
-Dave Hunt
And now we have a AMD64 image :D Nice ! But still using Gimp 2.6 :s...
Trisquel 6.0 has GIMP 2.6 because it's from Ubuntu 12.04 "Precise Pangolin": http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gimp
I know that, but it is quite sad actually, mostly because of all the new useful features that the new Design from Gimp 2.8 brings... I mean, LibreOffice being at the 3.5.4 version... why not it is the recommended on the website so for me there is no problem, and this even knowing that the 3.6.3 is already out. But gimp being still on the 2.6 :s.... Well at least the kernel is the 3.2, so a lot of bugs have been corrected compared to the 5.5 version of Trisquel :D (I don't like to use the linux-libre kernel because of the problems with virtualbox... hope they've been solved with this new version).
But yes, as for the server side this is not a problem, but for the user side, this could be (somehow) a problem... or maybe it is me with my bad habits of using (no the latest at the second it's out but almost) almost always the last, but only considered stable, software for my daily work.
To be honest, I didn't started complaining about the outdated packages in Ubuntu because of the Rolling experience from Arch Linux, but instead because of this :
On Ubuntu when you use a software that works, rares at the people that complain about it being old or outdated since it works. The problem is, when the package in question don't work well, and you now that a new version is out to solve the problem, so you mark a bug report, and they solve the problem and release it.... on the next version of Ubuntu... that will be out in 5 months... and this happens to me almost every time I bug report something. Just try to install Ubuntu 12.04, use Unity, and use the Snap Window on the left or right of the screen, and then return to is original position... you will see that the size is not the same ! This is a bug, that have been corrected (if I'm not wrong) on 12.10 but not on 12.04, and I would like to remember that 12.04 is an LTS version :s... This is my only problem with this kind of releases... I couldn't compare to Debian or Fedora, because, even knowing that they use also outdated software (more for debian and less for fedora compared to Ubuntu), the software actually works without any problem ! And if something broke, then a correction will be added to the actual release and not the future one.
Sorry for this long text zs
On Monday 22 October 2012 16:26:28 name at domain wrote:
> (I don't like to use the linux-libre kernel
> because of the problems with virtualbox... hope they've been solved with
> this new version).
You should get on to the Virtualbox developers. The essence of the
problem is that the Virtualbox drivers have been such poor quality for
so long that the Linux developers (LKML) have decided to mark the
module tainted if it is loaded and disable a number of reliability
error reports and features. In short using Virtualbox is practically
a guarantee of problems.
Hum... maybe I should learn how to use Qemu :D
On Monday 22 October 2012 18:17:37 name at domain wrote:
> Hum... maybe I should learn how to use Qemu :D
Assuming all you want to do is virtualize another free GNU/Linux
instance you can also look into Xen (paravitualization), chroot, lxc
and openvz (these last three are of the category 'operating system
level virtualization.) My kernel messages show at least jxself's
kernel is built for Xen. Chroot is already pre-installed and an
apt-cache search on their names will find you the packages for the
other two.
Andrew M. 'Leny' Lindley
Hash: SHA1
Le 12-10-22 10:26 AM, name at domain a écrit :
> I know that, but it is quite sad actually, mostly because of all the new useful features that the
new Design from Gimp 2.8 brings... I mean, LibreOffice being at the
3.5.4 version... why not it is the recommended on the website so for me
there is no problem, and this even knowing that the 3.6.3 is already
out. But gimp being still on the 2.6 :s.... Well at least the kernel is
the 3.2, so a lot of bugs have been corrected compared to the 5.5
version of Trisquel :D (I don't like to use the linux-libre kernel
because of the problems with virtualbox... hope they've been solved with
this new version).
> [...]
There are a few reasons for this, most notably the need for stability.
I'd rather know that Trisquel 6.0 is *exactly* Ubuntu 12.04 LTS minus
non-free stuff - that way commercial support, community help and
documentation usually directly applies. Deviate from that and it becomes
a whole different thing/problem.
> On Ubuntu when you use a software that works, rares at the people that complain about it being
old or outdated since it works. The problem is, when the package in
question don't work well, and you now that a new version is out to solve
the problem, so you mark a bug report, and they solve the problem and
release it.... on the next version of Ubuntu... that will be out in 5
months... and this happens to me almost every time I bug report
something. Just try to install Ubuntu 12.04, use Unity, and use the Snap
Window on the left or right of the screen, and then return to is
original position... you will see that the size is not the same ! This
is a bug, that have been corrected (if I'm not wrong) on 12.10 but not
on 12.04, and I would like to remember that 12.04 is an LTS version
:s... This is my only problem with this kind of releases... I couldn't
compare to Debian or Fedora, because, even knowing that they use also
outdated software (more for debian and less for fedora compared to
Ubuntu), the software actually works without any problem ! And if
something broke, then a correction will be added to the actual release
and not the future one.
Many bugs are fixed in an LTS, even after release, specially at 12.04.1,
12.04.2 etc. so that should improve fixes landing in Trisquel 6 too.
The balance between stability/running cutting edge fixes/versions is not
easy to find, but the faster you understand the reasons behind the
decisions taken resulting in whatever versions you end up with, the
faster you can accomodate and plan for that, as in "I value my freedom
more than getting the latest laptop" or the opposite.
Fabian Rodriguez
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: PGP/Mime available upon request
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This works on Ubuntu 12.04 and should work for Trisquel 6 when it is done: https://launchpad.net/~otto-kesselgulasch/+archive/gimp
I was searching for the entreprise that host the trisquel.info website so I could use it myself when I will switch my website from a mini-server in my house (my netbook running Ubuntu waiting for Trisquel to release) to something more fast and professional, when I saw this : http://who.godaddy.com/WhoIs.aspx?domain=trisquel.info&prog_id=godaddy&isc=cjcdplink
And I know that those tools exist but this scared me a lot :S... Just by typing the url we have access to Ruben's home address, phone number and more (like last activity details etc...)... that is quite scary indeed.
Well, there is a RFC for that. You could have the same information by just typing that in a terminal:
$ whois trisquel.info
Didn't knew that... Thanks for the information :D
It's probably not his home address. I'd assume this is his work address or business mailing address only. It looks as though he set things up properly/professionally. Trisquel is a registered trademark, has a bank account, etc.
You can get a business mailing address relatively cheap and/or use privacy services to hide your home address.
At aliasbody, this normal, anybody who registers a domain name has to supply it (you could see My details by a whois for trisquel-users.com) You can pay extra for these details to be 'private'
Sorry for asking this here but I have one question that maybe you can answer. I am searching for a good hosting where I could install Trisquel as a server OS (like Rúben did) and have my domain at .org or .net, but I have problems founding the correct one for that. I saw that you where using GoDaddy, and Rúben was using OVH.
What Hosting would you recommend me for this ? (A cheap one if possible).
I'm not sure how to do it and I'm not sure if this is readily available elsewhere although it looks like you should be able to do it with Linode. You might also want to look into gandi.net.
Thank you for the information Chris. Just one question, is your server on a VPS where you have access to almost everything or is it only a hosting space where you can create your page with the available tools and technologies ?
I don't think it would be possible to run the site off a "modern" shared hosting plan. We are using one of the larger Linode VPS instances. We might have to upgrade or similar here.
Some of the companies that I would have considered good at one time because they offered things like SSH, FTP access, and similar in later years discontinued those offerings or restricted them to 'by request' only. VPS is just awesome. While the early companies offering VPS were pretty good generally speaking there are a lot of companies now that I wouldn't use. I'm not a fan of dishonest companies and terms like 'unlimited' are really great way of turning me against your company.
I have had some experience dealing with shared hosting from GoDaddy (beyond by my control) and found that there were so many restrictions it wasn't possible to even run Drupal (at least not the way the person who was trying to run it needed it). I had advised against them using GoDaddy. Unfortunately they didn't listen. I basically looked into the problem they were having and discovered what they wanted to do wouldn't work with GoDaddy's shared hosting solutions.
And what about Cloud VPS Servers ? The good in that is the idea behind the "Pay what you use" thing that is seriously smiling at me.
I started to see those kind of "commercial moves" the day Microsoft made a conference in my University about the Azure technology and how it was cheap, expendable and also supportive for Gnu/Linux Users (you could buy a VPS Cloud with the most famous Gnu/Linux Distributions available already configured).
Apart of that I have been looking at hosting like this one: https://www.digitalocean.com/?utm_source=OMG-Ubuntu&utm_medium=Banner&utm_campaign=OMG-Ubuntu-Banner-Ad
I just asked this question, merely because I want a full control over my Server. And also because I saw that the trisquel.info website was running upon Trisquel itself (Apache/2.2.14 (Trisquel GNU/Linux) Server at devel.trisquel.info Port 80).
So for my needs if I understand right what I need is a VPS. I will think about it ! THanks about all of the information.
I sended and email 5 minutes ago and I already have an answer from linode :D Really impressive ! (or I just forget about the fact that here in Portugal it is almost 02:00 AM).
They are very responsive. You are paying a premium though over other lesser companies. It wouldn't surprise me if you could get a VPS for half the price as Linode. Don't expect the same level of service though. You could easily see your node go down for days on end and not be able to get in touch with the operator. Ohh and you don't end up with the same level of control (no ability to restart, and things like that). This is probably less of an issue today though as VPS software has improved. Linode, Gandi, and others though likely have a proprietary solution. Keep in mind that every site you visit has a proprietary back end just about even where they are using free software. I'm sure Rubén hasn't published every change he has made to this site either.
The core of the software these companies use is free. It's based on xen and similar vitalization solutions. There is at least one company producing a non-free VPS solution that licenses it to hosting companies. Why on earth anybody would pay for it is beyond me though. It actually looked like junk to me.
Stallman uses Positive Internet[1][2]. They support Free Software too.
[1] UK: http://www.positive-internet.com/
[2] US: http://www.positive-internet.net/
IMHO everybody here need to search one web hosting company with free software values. Like Gandi, all2all, Positive Internet and others. Linode, OVH, Godaddy are company without this. They recommend many non-free softwares and them uses free software only for technical reasons.
I start to be confused with all this xD
So let's see if I understand right:
- Trisquel.info uses OVH (Spain)
- ThinPenguin.com uses Linode
- Stallman.org uses Positive Internet
But once again, different purposes. Thank you for all the information :D
I am still asking myself what would be the one with more control, best for future upgrades, and less expensive (as I want to start as a simple site and then grow with time if necessary, but having total control of the OS and what I want to instal).
Choose Gandi.net[1]. No bullshit. =)
They respect your privacy, support free software and donate for many free projects[2].
The best registrar.
[1] http://www.gandi.net/
[2] http://www.gandi.net/supports/
I'll 2nd that. :)
If you are looking at prices be aware that the price is lower than advertised if your outside of the EU. There is VAT included in the price for customers within the EU although if you get service and reside in the USA the tax is not charged. This is not clear. It looked like we were going to be paying more when we switched to them. Significantly more. Turned we actually paid quite a bit less.
Can there be a MATE edition for 6 in addition to Gnome and LXDE? As much as Ruben hacks gnome fallback, it is still not up to the level as Gnome 2. While it is true that MATE can be installed easily and use the Trisquel theme to look like pre 5.5, I'm curious to see how well grvrulz can polish it up.
If it wasn't for the big work having to be done by Rubén that would be an awesome idea indeed :D And since Mate and Gnome-Shell are different we could have both running on the same machine.
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