About superstring theory

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Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Joined: 06/06/2018

It makes sense philosophically (east philosophy) if I think that it is not that an object moves in space. It is that there is something matter which fills space/the universe then that something matter changes its form in accordance with an quality of an object such as our bodies. So the universe has everything.
It is not that we are moving in space, space makes our bodies with the matter. So space is perfectly fixed. After a few seconds, the matter where I was will be expressing a tree or a car or a bird or something. The earth goes around the sun at tremendous speed.
I have sent email to a person who is maybe a scientist to ask if this my thought was already proved as a wrong idea scientifically. He said that my idea seems to be similar to quantum field theory.
Are you familier with the theory? If so, please let me listen to your opinion.
It makes sense philosofically means the feeling that, if I think so, all of things seem to make sense, reasonably. Reincarnation is one of the things. Some evil bugs seem to be almost full of thanatos. They desire to be killed by us at the end. Their habit seems to be very similar to some kind of people. They will become those bugs or viruses or something. Becoming viruses is maybe the worst. They do self-reproduction. That would mean they purely love only themselves. Besides they are parasitic. I really am reluctant to even write about them. Creepy. The majority organism on the earth must be bugs. That would mean raising is difficult and lapsing is easy, like the apple. We might be really lucky being able to be human beings. Maybe e.g. some birds are very happier than most human beings, though. They would have the sense of reality, instead of your Bentley or something.
I think that arrogance is almost unavoidable for so-called the highest-class.
They might become like the evil bugs because of mainly that arrogance. They really look very alike, aren't they? Eating crap is flies's habit. The hell must be there. Living as them with almost or perfect pure rage. Basically viruses are pure maliciousness. The Hyuga Virus appeared at a cattle shed. I think the highest risk of pollution is at the cattle shed. It seems that they form their maliciousness into viruses. His prophesy is often fulfilled.
btw, I have heard that a pleasure of some people who have Bentley is to look down at Mercedes when waiting for a traffic light. Do you want to do it? He must not suit the car. His soul might form a suitable body in next life in accordance with the quality.
What I was talking about? Ah that something string theory or something. That would be true.

Joined: 02/12/2015

So - superstring theory, karma, and reincarnation. I see what you are saying, but I do not believe the laws of physics are related to karma or reincarnation. I studied quite a bit about Tibetan Buddhism over the years, and my understanding is that "life force" or "spirit" or "soul" is not considered to be a part of the physical universe, and therefore would not be subject to the laws of gravity, relativity, etc.

However, if you are saying string theory is SIMILAR to some aspects of philosophy about karma and reincarnation, then I can agree that there are similarities. In Tibetan Buddhism, the "life force" is compared to a flame on top of a candle. When there is reincarnation, the flame itself does not pass to a new candle, but the heat, or "essence", from the flame causes a new flame to start on another candle. And so, the "essence" of a spirit is reborn in different forms, as human babies, or as animals, or insects, and lives again in "this life", or "Samsara". Similarly, in string theory, there may not be any real mass, but just a vibration or "essence" of mass. I believe that some have compared it to the "vibrating shadow" of another mass from another universe that shows up in our universe.

> So the universe has everything. It is not that we are moving in space, space makes our bodies with the matter. So space is perfectly fixed. After a few seconds, the matter where I was will be expressing a tree or a car or a bird or something. The earth goes around the sun at tremendous speed.

This has a similarity in the way that humans take medications when they are sick. If you know about medication, you also know there is such thing as the "placebo" effect - when a patient feels better even when they are given a fake pill that has no medication in it. The theoretical reason this happens is that the human brain and body already have all the chemical compounds needed to make the same effect as the medicine. As soon as the patient becomes convinced that he/she is taking the medicine, his/her body produces the same chemical effect and they feel better. So, in the way that you say that the universe and space already has everything, the human body also already has everything.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Joined: 06/06/2018

I see... especially the candle and placebo stories gave me new and maybe essential perspectives. I am not good at math so studying this type of science is difficult for me. While studying philosophy, I can bear to reread a same sentence 20 times but those sciences make me sleepy soon. I think I would study about quantum mechanics to some degree, though.
What do you think about after death, and vegetable life? and the beginning of the universe?

Joined: 02/12/2015

> What do you think about after death, and vegetable life? and the beginning of the universe?

I was raised a Christian, and most of my religious studies over the years have been Christian based, so my view of life after death (for people) is that eventually there will be a day of judgment in front of God, and that those who are "saved" will be resurrected into eternal life with God. I've studied quite a bit of Tibetan Buddhism, and find their ideas about reincarnation and life after death and being re-born to be highly interesting. I enjoy thinking about the world in both the Buddhist way and the Christian way, and seeing which one is more likely to be correct. So far, I haven not been able to resolve this question, and so I continue to view the world from my Christian perspective, since that is the one I am most familiar with and where I can read more about it in English.

Vegetable life - due to my Christian background, I do not believe vegetables have sentience or consciousness. They live, but they do it without awareness of their own life. That's my opinion. I believe the same is probably true of most insects and many lower level animals. They are imbued with life force, but they themselves are not sentient, thinking creatures. If I thought about these things from a Buddhist viewpoint, and thinking about karma and Samsara, I might think about them differently. Maybe a flying insect is actually the reincarnation of my dead grandfather? And my pet dog is the reincarnation of my dead grandmother? But even if that were true, if Tibetan Buddhism believes it is not the actual "person" who is reincarnated, but only their "essence", then does it really matter what form they come back in? The insect then is not really my "grandfather", it's just part of his life essence. And the dog is not really my "grandmother", it's just part of her essence. And how would I know anyway? Maybe the insect is Hitler, and the pet dog is Winston Churchill? The only way to know would be like how they find the next Dalai Lama, where they show the child some of the previous Dalai Lama's personal belongings, and the child is able to remember which one's belonged to him in his past life.

Beginning of the universe - I believe too much thought is put on that. How do we know this is not simply the remains of some much older universe? Astronomy and advanced math seem to show that the matter in the universe is moving away from itself like it was all started from a big bang, but there are many problems in that idea, like the problem of measuring dark matter. And what is dark matter, and what is its purpose? If its only purpose is to make a math formula work, then I believe we have much more to discover. Also, as you say, string theory could indicate that the universe may be self-sufficient, and space may be able to create and dissipate matter at will. In which case, maybe there was no big bang after all, but all we are seeing is the illusion of a big bang.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Joined: 06/06/2018

I think that the energy of plants which I can see from kensho is the strongest among all beings.
The most powerful aura of a human being cannot compare with their auras.
I have written that the sea world must be similar to the internet but it might have been the lie:P
The plants world would be what similar to the internet world.
The ratio of goodness to maliciousness seems to be almost opposite in their world.
There are just few maliciousness plants. Even they are contributing oxygen for us.
My ability seems to be helped by plants very much. Have you experienced kensho?

Joined: 02/12/2015

>My ability seems to be helped by plants very much. Have you experienced kensho?

I have not. I see that you must be an advanced Zen practitioner to have achieved such level of Kensho.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Joined: 06/06/2018

Yes I also think that kensho has level. Maybe more we become free, more we return to monkeys who had not things bind us in a certain sense, or part. Some birds seem to master circular breathing inherently.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Joined: 06/06/2018

As just a note, I think I should bring this matter decently someday, somewhere. (Well, I think that we ought to take priority over all other considerations about human being's general relationships, though)
I have been having an awareness of some problems of religion. About only this forum, since when I created the first thread, I have been having it.
Firstly I should state that I think that all of religions must have started with something goodness of someones.

Some of you guys might not be able to forgive a joke about some religion.
If I was a jain, I would not be able to forgive some of here jokes.
If I was a religious of my own religion, I might not be able to forgive some of jokes about freedom. You may know, I would always put priority on pollution issues. If we could avoid becoming extinct, there always would be chance. But about relationships with other people who believe other religions, including atheists, would be given priority over all other considerations. I didn't expect how difficult the problem is. It is deep-rooted seriously. It would have huge energy to crack relationships very easily.

Then the crack seems to be similar to the ones which we human beings have got when we started each of the great number of wars.
Risk management...

Joined: 02/12/2015

> Some of you guys might not be able to forgive a joke about some religion.
If I was a jain, I would not be able to forgive some of here jokes.

I don't feel concerned about any jokes about Christianity or any other religion. I would hope that a follower of Jainism would be able to hear a joke, or to have a discussion about their beliefs, such as to discuss if an insect has a soul.

> You may know, I would always put priority on pollution issues. If we could avoid becoming extinct, there always would be chance.

Many religions put forward the idea that mankind cannot do anything to save itself - that mankind needs the intervention of God, or that people need to achieve enlightenment or nirvana.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Joined: 06/06/2018

As general feelings of Christianity, is there a difference between a soul and emotion?? just out of curiosity.
Probably most Japanese also don't think a insect or an animal has a soul. Strangely, they seem to recognise that their pets have emotions or souls. In that sense, they seem not to distinguish souls and emotion. Some woman has said that she didn't think that birds were thinking. Birds just eat, fly, etc with their instinct. I think "will I also die?... probably..." is that, how should I say, every existence might think at least once if we can live until we think about it. I think wildlife and people living under war conditions would think about it quite earlier than us.

Joined: 02/12/2015

> As general feelings of Christianity, is there a difference between a soul and emotion?? just out of curiosity.

Just like in Buddhism, emotions in Christian theology do not seem to be trusted. As Buddhists have understood for thousands of years, emotions can be dishonest and deceiving. A person can feel a false sense of happiness, when they should be feeling concerned or sad. A person can also be manipulated to feel anger, and to go fight against other men in dishonest wars.

The soul in Christian theology is created by God, and has a divine nature. So, similar to Buddhism, the soul is the pure and honest part of the person.

> Some woman has said that she didn't think that birds were thinking. Birds just eat, fly, etc with their instinct.

But some birds can learn to talk, like Parrots. And they live for a very long time with one person as their pet. For an entire lifetime in some cases. Many bird owners would probably tell you that their birds are very much like people, and have a soul.

I have a wild goose that has become my friend at the lake near my house. Every morning when I walk near the lake, she comes and finds me and sits with me for awhile. She wants to see if I brought any food for her. She is like a person, with a lot of personality. Some days she is happy to see me, some days she is angry and yells at me (if I brought food she doesn't like, or if I wear some color of clothes she doesn't trust). Some days she ignores me. Does she have a soul? Or is she just a wild animal, seeing me as a source of snack food? Hard to say.

Saint Francis of Assisi was a Christian monk who lived about 800 years ago, who was famous for many things, including that he would preach about Christianity to flocks of wild birds. Why would he do that if he did not believe they had souls? Some stories claim that the birds would sit quietly and listen to his long sermons. Interesting, right?

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Joined: 06/06/2018

I just noticed that 3D games exactly express my idea (in the first post of this thread). I was looking vacantly a demo of a game. The virtual space is fixed. There are only a coordinate and color. A object doesn't move. It just seems so. Wow I can explain this idea easier from now on and it opened a lot of new perspectives.