Abrowser freezing in 6.0.1

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Joined: 08/13/2013

Just like the title says. Ever since upgrading to 6.0.1, Abrowser will randomly freeze. It usually happens one or two times a day, so it's not very often. I can't find any pattern to the freezing, whether it's videos, pictures, certain websites. It seems to be completely random.

Anyone else experiencing a similar problem?

Joined: 09/13/2010

"Anyone else experiencing a similar problem?"

Nope, so the usual troubleshooting steps would apply.

Joined: 05/13/2010

In simple English that means trying a new profile. Close all browser windows and then run abrowser -P.

And should that work, then you know it's something you did to the browser, most probably an extension. Disable half of your extensions and see which half contains the bad apple. Rinse and repeat.

If however the problem happens on a virgin profile, then it's something outside of the browser and you're on your own trying to figure that out... This is not very likely.