abrowser + java

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Joined: 04/24/2012

Obviously, I can't get abrowser to open any java applets.

I know that abrowser is essentially a rebranded Firefox. Why it's rebranded is beyond me. /It's like calling a pizza a pie./ I also think that the standard Java is not installed and is substituted with OpenJDK. Probably due to some "non-free" thing as usual.

I tried to psuedo follow the typical method of installing the java plugin for FF. But, sometimes you can't use a flathead drive to turn a phillips screw.

Joined: 05/15/2011

What version of Trisquel? If you are using 5.0 or 5.5, you do the standard "sudo apt-get install icedtea-plugin" which I believe uses OpenJDK 6 and installs it even if you have OpenJDK 7. Trisquel 4.0 and 4.5 only have OpenJDK 6. I wonder if it is a conflict between the JREs if both are installed. Hmm.

Magic Banana

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Trisquel's Web browser is rebranded because the code shipped by Mozilla is slightly modified (to remove any invitation to proprietary plugin) and Mozilla's trademark *forces* Trisquel to rebrand the result.

OpenJDK *is* the standard JDK. Oracle does not ship any other JDK working on GNU/Linux.

For your issue, and as t3g mentioned, it should only be a matter of installing the package named "icedtea-plugin", which as, as a dependence, the recommended version of the JRE, i.e., version 6.


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*thumbs up* good answer.