Abrowser opening containing folders instead of files

3 respostas [Última entrada]
Joined: 05/30/2012

In the Downloads window of Abrowser, I've noticed for a while that choosing to open a program instead opens the containing folder in Nautilus. It doesn't seem to be anything in the settings of Abrowser; deleting the ~/.mozilla/abrowser doesn't change this weird behavior. This problem is pretty minor, but still annoying. Can anyone think of what could possibly be wrong?

Joined: 05/30/2012

Whoops, I meant *file*, not program.

Joined: 05/13/2010

Abrowser should use the program you're system has associated with the file type. Perhaps you've selected the file browser?

You can test it by right clicking the file in the file browser > open with and set default.

Joined: 05/30/2012

The default is Totem, unless I go to "other", and then it's VLC.

The file manager is a choice shown in the menu, but not among "suggested" applications in the "other" window.

Abrowser was listed in the "other" window (not in the menu, though), and I removed the association to see if that would do anything. It didn't.