Advanced MATE Menu takes a second to open

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Joined: 07/17/2013

Hey everyone,

I have been using the Advanced MATE Menu, I like the way it's organized and the fact that I can write the name of the app instead of looking for it in the sub-menus. However the first time I click to open it, it takes a second or two. Afterwards it opens instantaneously. I suppose it's because the first time it has to actually load the icons to memory or something? Anyway, because I am using an SSD and the boot time is quite fast, I would like to know if I can "pre load" the menu when I boot so it becomes faster in the first time I click it.



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Joined: 07/07/2017

> I would like to know if I can "pre load" the menu when I boot so it
> becomes faster in the first time I click it.

I've never tried this, but there is a program called preload that runs
in the background, learns which programs you launch frequently, and
learns to preload these.

$ sudo apt install preload
$ sudo preload

Joined: 07/17/2013

Thanks, I will give that a try.

Quite honestly I think I am over-estimating this, it's only a second in the first time I launch the menu, so... I will test and see if it is worth using another application to speed that.
