anyone using Trisquel for music production?
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I am curious about your setup and how you managed to get everyting working...
Trisquel includes music software such as Ardour3 and Rosegarden. But I installed an addon-repository called KXStudio because I want to use the latest free software. There are some non-free programs in the repository, but I do not install them. I plan create a mirror of the repositories with all non-free software removed.
That's great! If you need storage space for the mirror let me know. I got some gigabytes spare and free traffic...
...that is this, right?
How can you extract the apps you do not want, please?
I would only need:
Ardour3 (DAW)
Cadence (JACK Toolbox)
Carla (Modular Plugin Host)
Catia (Patchbay)
Claudia (Session Manager)
Rosegarden (DAW)
thanks for the reply!
I would be interested in your mirror.
What soundcard are you using?
When i bought my computer i made sure to be able to run free software, installed Trisquel, Jack and probably some some more but i never got my soundcard(Echo Audiofire12) running so i tried KXStudio and it worked OOTB.
Because of a new grafics card i had to update my system and my sound is not working anymore.
So now, i might as well try again and get it working under Trisquel...
I suggest you guys musicians or music workers or music aficionados or..well I think you get the point..give a try to
It's a 100% not yet fsf approved libre distro for libre radios made in and for the south American libre radio communities. It has all the software a musician needs. Been running it as a live distro from a USB key - it is an amazing distro! based on debian 7.8 with mate and xfce DEs. I love xfce and this distro looks really good and it is very smooth in live mode.
i am not after more or other software really, it is more about getting things working, i run Ardour and Musescore and Cadence from KXStudio is nice. I might try a drummachine later.
Actually the only problem is my soundcard.
The Free Software Foundation recommends Musix GNU+Linux, which is actively developed:
I do use Trisquel for audio production. I only installed a few software from the official repos (ardour, qjackctl, mixxx, lmms, audacity, zynaddsubfx,...) and it's sufficient for me. With another french member of trisquel community we made this small wiki page (in french) about improving trisquel's performance for audio production.
Feel free to comment it.
The wiki page contains an all in one command to install a large amount of audio software from the repos and some indications to handle cpu frequency (thanks to Dogers). The link to linux-libre-rt is old (looks like it's not maintained), but you can keep the low-latency core as it is very sufficient for a daily use.
I think you posted the wrong link.
You're right, and as I can't edit my post, here is the link :
thank you! that is very interesting.
My french is a tat rusty though, it will take some time before i read it.
Oui Oui, Je vais etre poulet.
Speaking of Trisquel and music production......are there any apps where I can play a virtual keyboard with my US-layout typing keyboard and have that recorded and by doing so make digital music (I'm guessing, from what I see on my Mac-using classmates, that that's what Garageband does?)?
I use mucositis for my music player.
Almost forgot to post this: The current version of GNUetertics by default contains an Iceweasel addon "video download helper" that is not free software. The addon will be removed from the next release. If you decide to try this distro and find anything other that is not libre, please post here your findings!
...did you install the rt kernel?
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