BLAG 200000
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For those who still think Blag is dead here is a screenshot of BLAG 200000 running on my system.
Anexo | Tamaño |
Screenshot from 2015-01-16 12:32:41.png | 157.77 KB |
is there a download?
looks awesome!
but i rely liked there old theme i wish they had uses mate or xfce insted of gnome3 :(
There is a MATE version. I took the Live DVD for a spin, and it's great.
Looks good!
Doesn't SeaMonkey have the same trademark problem as Firefox? If so, it needs to be rebranded (Debian rebranded it as Iceape but later got rid of it)
Great to see it's still active!
(Is it just me, or does it seem that Trisquel moves faster than Blag or gnewsense...?)
It does (all the while being left in Parabola's dust, of course).
Praise be to Parabola, which allows you to tippy toe along the bleeding edge with a system that won't betray you.
Now, as far as BLAG goes, is it true the Gdnewhat guys are now working on BLAG? Their website refers users to BLAG and Gdnewhat proved long ago they could get a fully free Redhat clone perfected.
Parabola('s stable branch) seems to be more cutting than bleeding edge to me.
And it's a Fedora clone. A Red Hat (which would mean RHEL, CentOS, etc) clone would be nice but it hasn't quite happened :(
No freeme. GdNewHat people are working on an independent distribution. They have halted their devolopment of GdNewHat ans suggested BLAG repos as an alternative to their users. See the link to their new distro under development.
Huh, that's interesting. I wonder what kind of distro it'll end up being.
It seems like he is building a cathedral. Why can't he release early? Although it is possible that is is just SO innovative that it needs to be unveiled when it's ready.
Lets hope so :D
Where did you get this version of BLAG? The latest I see on the download page ( is 140000.
I got it from the FSF mirror like Heather.
Is it OK to install on a computer, for web browsing? I have BLAG 14k on a laptop and was wondering if BLAG 20k alpha is in a usable state.
My *real* laptop runs the *true* GNU operating system, Emacs.
so you just make a gnu/linux operating system
automaticly run emacs everytime you start it up?
Not exactly, but I spend most of my tube time on it. For instance, there is a web browser, Usenet reader, mail client, IRC program, etc. with Emacs so it conceivably can be started at boot. M-x term brings up the shell, so..
I have some experience with the Emacs mail/news reader, web client, Org Mode, and the Dismal spreadsheet, all with the accessibility thing called Emacspeak. I found the web client (emacs-w3) hard to use, and only useful on the simplest of web sites; not just referring to JScript, here. Maybe it's time to revisit Emacspeak in Trisquel 7; can run it in a virtual console or an xterm, I suppose?
I tried a BLAG GNOME live image, and found that it has no accessibility, thereby denying a class of users freedom #0, nevermind the other three.
I'm glad to see that there's active development of fully free systems.
Freedom 0 is “The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose” [1]. This doesn't mean that a neccesary condition or a program to be free is that everybody is able to do everything with a program; that's absurd and impossible. For instance, no program can solve the halting problem ( In the way it's written, it's very open to interpretation, but from the rest of the material on free software it's clear that freedom 0 referes to the absence of artificial legal and technical restrictions to run the program (Artificial in the sense of being anti-features whose sole purpose is to restrict usage, such as digital restrictions managemnt).
For instance, software which has the legal restriction that it can only be used with a specific operating system is proprietary, but software which is under a free license, has source code available, etcetera, and depends on a programming interface specific to an operating system is free. Likewise, the user interface of free software may demand physical capabilities that some handicapped people will not have, or knowledge that not everybody has.
[1]: What is free software? - The Free Software Definition <>
Changelog: Fixed third paragraph.
I agree that it's not a freedom problem, but it *is* a problem and should be fixed with high priority.
The FSF actually has an article specifically about this:
I was pleased to discover that the BLAG GNOME 200000 live medium seems to have a complete GNOME 3.10, including orca screen reader. I haven't yet checked the Mate spin. My earlier test was on 140000. 200000 does not seem to see my Think Penguin USB wifi radio; that's for another topic or forum.
I am excited about this. Of course, 20k will be old-ish, but if more users contribute, BLAG can release new versions very quickly because Fedora is 98% free.
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