The Brazilian State is imperialist
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I say this as someone who has born in Brazil and lives in it to this day.
Just because the current Brazilian government is "center-left" (late-stage capitalist corporate oppression "but woke") doesn't make the oppressive nature of the Brazilian State suddenly disappear.
President Lula of Brazil has been giving talks about increasing "free trade" (free exploitation) within the BRICS "alliance", which is obviously an excuse to exploit the less industrialized countries in BRICS (keep in mind that BRICS has been extremely expanded recently to not only include Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa but also many other countries). Brazil is the largest and most industrialized country in South America and its government would love a chance to exploit the less industrialized countries by promoting "free trade" which would make the other countries dependent on Brazilian industry.
After genociding Paraguayans in the Paraguayan War (technically the Paraguayan State attacked Brazil first (if you consider that the war started with the invasion against Brazil rather than considering that tensions were already extreme prior to this due to the actions of the Brazilian government repeatedly humiliating Paraguay prior to the invasion) and Paraguay refused to surrender until its leader was killed but this is not an excuse for destroying their people), nowadays Paraguay has become something like an economic colony of Brazil, with Brazilians traveling there solely out of selfish interest to buy cheap products being sold by Paraguayans, and it has even been joked in Brazil that Paraguay is not really a country but rather a slum.
BRICS is a joke "alliance" between led by a bunch of garbage corrupt imperialist governments such as Brazil's and Russia's, with maybe only a few governments within BRICS actually having having altruistic social goals in mind. "Global South" imperialism is not "woke", it's simply replacing the oppression by the "West" with a "shiny" "new" oppression. If BRICS wants to be taken seriously it should take disciplinatory action against governments like Brazil's, else it will just become another imperialist power exploiting a great chunk of the world after the collapse of the "U"SA as an empire. Note that both the terms "Global South" and "West" are not meant to be based on geography but rather on exploitative politics ("look, my abusive side of the globe is better than yours!"), so I recommend avoiding these terms unless it's to mock them like I'm doing right now
It might seem like Brazil truly changed after fascist Bolsonaro was kicked out of the government, but this isn't so. Every decade or so fascists return to power in Brazil (remember the history of all the military coups within Brazil that have successfully made Brazilian "democracy" a lie, most famously probably being the coup of 1964 supported by the American government under the excuse of preventing "communism" from taking over in Brazil (despite the fact that once reaching power due to the coup the "anticommunists" did all the atrocities they accused the "communists" of trying to do, with the military dictatorship only officially ending 21 years later in 1985)), and even non-fascist Lula is still supportive of oppressive ideologies like capitalism, he just wants to give it an "humane" face, he likes capitalist ideals such as Brazilian having jobs under the excuse of giving these Brazilians "opportunity" (even if those jobs are horrible and extremely exploitative) rather than abolishing wage slavery altogether, etc. Don't listen to this false "humanity", oppression is still oppression even if there are breadcrumbs of "altruism". The "U"SA State thrived by making people think its oppressive policy was for an ethical cause. The Overton Window (group of ideologies socially accepted by society) is so centered towards cruelty that anyone who isn't openly fascist is seen as some sort of hero nowadays even if such person is still an evil human being in other ways. President Lula isn't a hero, he might have given some breathing space until fascism returns but in fact fascism is allowed to return due to the inaction by politicians like him who don't actually bother to help put an end to oppression but simply mitigate it temporarily.
Keep in mind that this form of "woke" imperialism has a term for it:
> Social imperialism, also called imperial socialism and socio-imperialism, is a term used to describe people, parties, and states that are "socialist in words, imperialist in deeds"[...]