Cannot get correct resolution with Nvidia graphics

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red devil
Joined: 03/23/2010

I've installed Trisquel 3.5 on a machine that's running an Nvidia graphics card (think it's an FX5300!?), but the default resolution was 800x600 when the correct one is 1366x768.
When I was looking in xorg.conf for ideas, I noticed it was actually called xorg.conf.vesa - there is no actual xorg.conf.
Anyway, I've tried editing the xorg.conf.vesa file by adding 'nv' as the graphics driver to use (I checked, it is installed) but that didn't work.
So, I tried downloading and installing the nouveau driver - I know it's experimental - and then edited xorg.conf again, but that didn't work either.
I've even tried overwriting xorg.conf.vesa with a normal xorg.conf but that didn't work either.
This seems like a lot of hoops to jump through just to get your screen looking OK - every other distro I've tried has managed it from the get-go.
Can anyone offer any tips on how to get the correct resolution in trisquel without resorting to a non-free driver?
Thanks in advance.

Joined: 02/22/2010

I have an nVidia GeForce6100 using the -nv driver with Trisquel 3.5 and all is well except there's no 3D. The resolution was automatically detected at 1280x1024. What options are shown if you try to set the screen resolution from the System menu? Did you restart X after all the editing was done? I think some things don't take effect until the next restart.

You may hear from someone more technically proficient but in the mean time I'll search around to see what info I can find on the FX5300.


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Joined: 02/25/2010

What I would do is look online for the specifications for your monitor. You want to know the horizontal and vertical refresh rates. It should be a pair of ranges, like 30-61 and 50-120. Put those into your xorg.conf file under the "Monitor" section. It should look something like this (this is from my xorg.conf file; your values will probably be different):

   Section "Monitor"
       Identifier   "Configured Monitor"
       HorizSync    30-61
       VertRefresh  50-120
I look forward to the days when we won't have to do this anymore.

Joined: 01/24/2010

I have the same problem. I will try with the refresh rates suggestion.

With 3.0 had some problems too with my NVidia but now with 3.5 it's worse (or at least different problems). If you can read spanish/galician can take a look at Maybe can help.

By the way, as i was told, xorg.conf.vesa is only an example. The only file processed by the system is the one calles xorg.conf.

Me too don't understand why this problems still happens nowadays.



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Joined: 02/16/2009

To any one coming across this post with problems with Nvidia cards: try Nouveau driver, however "experimental" it might be, it works almost perfectly for me (including dualhead) and the resolution on the main monitor is perfect. Some distributions use it by default -e.g. Fedora- and it works fine (just some minor issues with dualhead on my card). I have not much time these days but if any one needs it I can leave my xorg file -it is not the computer I use daily- to have an idea about what is needed -nothing difficult-. In any case, have a look at instructions on Nouveau web and give a try to that driver.



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Joined: 12/28/2009

It's called "experimental" because it is still located in Debian's "unstable" branch, but it's actually to the point that it is quite stable indeed.