Cannot install GNOME Shell on Trisquel 7 I18N 64-bit.

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Joined: 09/19/2011

Maybe I should wait for 7 to be fully out before trying this? Any
ideas? Terminal output below.



dave@Toshiba:~$ sudo apt-get install gnome-shell mutter
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
gnome-shell : Depends: gnome-shell-common (= 3.10.4-0ubuntu5) but
3.10.4-0ubuntu5.2 is to be installed
Recommends: gnome-contacts but it is not going to be
Recommends: gdm (>= 3.5.90) but it is not going to be
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

Joined: 12/16/2009

I'm using gnome-shell Trisquel 7 I18N 64-bit, so I know it should work.

Try updating you packages before installing:

sudo aptitude update

I'm more familiar with the output of aptitude, so try installing with it:

sudo aptitude install gnome-shell

You don't need to install the Mutter package. It's useful only, if you want to use Mutter without GNOME Shell.

Joined: 07/27/2013

I tried the commands under and it didn't work. I get to choose Gnome at login but only loads background and show network notifications up right corner.
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install gnome-session gnome-shell

I then tested this because my thinking was that Trisquel 7 is based on Ubuntu 14.04 and it will probably work. And it did, after the commands above.

Quoting omgubuntu command:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

I have done some testing on a fresh install and this works for me.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging
sudo apt-get install gnome-session gnome-shell
(Tested logout and choose Gnome. Same as above. Rebooting)
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
(Log out, choosing Gnome and it works)

Trisquel 7 20140807 i18 amd64 is running Gnome 3.12.2 here.

Joined: 06/02/2012

Login into the default Trisquel session and disable the compton
compositor from startup applications, that should do.

Joined: 07/27/2013

Updating Gnome removes Startup Applications under System Settings. Its only under Tweak Tool but there is only a white border and a + symbol. Nothing happens when pushing that button. Before updating Gnome I don't have anything called "compton compositor" under Startup Applications.

I have been playing around with Gnome3 I think I have found a bug. At first I thought it was a dependency problem because I was removing software included in the Trisquel installation. When I disable "Icons on Desktop" under Tweak Tool and then login to Gnome there is only the background. I have to open a terminal with keyboard shortcut (Default Ctrl+Alt+T) to get rest of Gnome back plus a terminal window.

Also when I have it disabled the right click menu is Gnome 3 style but with it enabled its the Trisquel default right click menu.

I'm trying as informative as possible so other people can get help in the future. But now I have hijacked this thread. I'm now giving it back.

Joined: 06/02/2012

I said to that because a similar issue occurred in Trisquel 6 when I was
using compton compositor.

I have confirmed this issue on Trisquel 7, I tried removing
"/etc/xdg/autostart/compton-autostart.desktop" that didn't fix it. I
don't know what else might be stopping gnome-shell to run.

Joined: 08/02/2014

You should take a look at your log , maybe something make it crash .

On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 1:39 PM, Sachin <name at domain> wrote:

> I said to that because a similar issue occurred in Trisquel 6 when I was
> using compton compositor.
> I have confirmed this issue on Trisquel 7, I tried removing
> "/etc/xdg/autostart/compton-autostart.desktop" that didn't fix it. I
> don't know what else might be stopping gnome-shell to run.

Joined: 07/27/2013

I found a way to add programs to Startup Applications list. Start gnome-tweak-tool from terminal and then I can add programs.


I am a member!

Joined: 09/19/2011

Thank you for the tip re: startup applications!

Joined: 12/16/2009

With GNOME Shell installed on Trisquel 7, I can add startup applications just like in a standard Trisquel 6 installation. I have a Startup Applications program in System Settings (gnome-session-properties) and it works.

Joined: 12/16/2009

I also have a problem of nothing appearing when choosing the "GNOME" session at login. I use actually the "System Default" session to start GNOME Shell.

The "GNOME Classic" session also works fine. This is an extension which makes GNOME Shell look similiar to GNOME 2. It's in the package gnome-shell-extensions.