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What are they doing? They seem to be moving closer and closer to being the next Apple. Programs are "apps", they have a dedicated die-hard fan base (look up OMG Ubuntu) and are acting more and more like a proprietary software company. They are even making Ubuntu phone and Ubuntu TV.
This page is a humorous mash-up of different ideals...
(Kind of hypocritical how they hold proprietary software up to a pedestal while saying that they believe software should be free...)
If you go onto and put your mouse over the computer screen it will go to the "for developers" photo and you can see it running a non-free programmer's text editor called Sublime Text. I hate that it is non-free, it's *so* beautiful.
Vim looks just as beautiful if you configure it properly. I use Solarized (a libre theme).
Dirty vim user on Trisquel forums! THIS IS CODE RED, I REPEAT THIS IS CODE RED.
Just kidding ;)
Oh, My Gerd! YooHoo Comics must be an emacser! LOL Seriously, it's amazing what that thing can do; calling Emacs an "editor" does it an injustice!
I completly agree, I use it to calculate and not for programing nor text editing. I heard that emacs was originally intended to unify Operating systems because the one thing they have in common is the keyboard, that could explain why emacs is capable of almost everything.
i rely dont understand how the emacs vs vi war started
whats the problem there both great editors (but emacs dose seem better)
Basically, each editor had strengths and weaknesses in the 1980s; Emacs was much heavier, but had more features. The gap isn't as wide today.
Personally, I can't stand vi, but I don't really like Emacs, either, If I have to edit text on the command-line, I prefer Nano.
i use nano aswell but vim looks good if you get used to it
and emacs looks good if you spend alot of time learning it
notepad++ is a good editor aswell
its a windows program but its libre software and runs very well in wine(also libre software)
I would avoid using Notepad++ unless you compile it yourself with a libre compiler; the official binaries are compiled with Visual Studio, a proprietary compiler. This is the case for quite a lot of Windows binaries, actually.
a good point i will not use notepad++ untill i can compile it with libre software
theres a libre compiler for m$ windows(and so wine)
called dev c++
but i dont know how i would compile that!
i guess i would see if the gcc port for windows would work then see if i can compile notepad++ from wine
or maby do a favore to the world and port it to gtk!
Dev-C++ is an IDE, not a compiler. The compiler it uses is MinGW.
It doesn't make sense to me when people say they are using GNU nano, and think GNU Emacs is difficult to learn.
Both programs work the same on a basic editor level. Many of their basic keystrokes are the same. The major difference between them is that GNU Emacs has tons more features, which you don't need to use, if you don't feel like learning.
The learning curve is basically the same, if you are using only features GNU nano has. But when you're writing a lot of text and especially code, many of the additional features GNU Emacs has come very handy.
Basic commands to get you started:
C-b means CTRL+B M-b means ALT+B C-x C-c means CTRL+X followed by CTRL+C (no need to let go of CTRL) | command | nano | Emacs | |--------------------------+---------+-------------| | backward | C-b | C-b | | forward | C-f | C-f | | previous word | C-Space | M-b | | next word | M-Space | M-f | | previous line | C-p | C-p | | next line | C-n | C-n | | beginning of line | C-a | C-a | | end of line | C-e | C-e | | page down | C-v | C-v | | page up | C-y | M-v | | delete character | C-d | C-d | |--------------------------+---------+-------------| | kill (cut) word forward | ? | M-d | | kill (cut) word backward | ? | C-Backspace | | kill (cut) word backward | ? | M-Backspace | | select region | C-^ | C-Space | | kill region (cut) | C-k | C-w | | copy region (copy) | M-^ | M-w | | kill (cut) line | C-k | | | kill until end of line | | C-k | | uncut/yank (paste) | C-u | C-y | | undo | ? | C-/ | |--------------------------+---------+-------------| | search | C-w | C-s | | search and replace | C-\ | M-% | | fill paragraph | C-j | M-q | | comment/uncomment region | | M-; | | spell check word/region | C-t | M-$ | |--------------------------+---------+-------------| | save | | C-x C-s | | save as | C-o | C-x C-w | | exit | C-x | C-x C-c | | help | C-g | C-h C-h |
You can also easily make tables like the one above using GNU Emacs's org-mode.
> both great editors (but emacs dose seem better)
That's exactly how it started!
I looked it up, it looks gorgeous. Maybe I'll start using vim more.
Ak! Not you, too, YoHoo! Don't leave the Church of Emacs!
Don't be a heathen!
:p (I jest, I jest)
I use Aptana Studio daily ( and it works well with OpenJDK 7 JRE in Trisquel 7/Ubuntu 14.04.
Oh and Brackets is another free software alternative:
I heard they have a massive presence in data centers with the LTS releases.
>what are they doing?
the answer is very simple: business. just earning a lot of money. it seems clear to me that there are very few differences between canonical and m$ right now.
A decade ago they would send you 50 cds with ubuntu for free if you asked them. now they want to sell your info to amazon!!
Stallman keeps calling Bbubbuntu a spyware and he advises not to recommend it to your friends if you want them to make the great switch. completely agree with the wise man.
boooooo bubbuntu booooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Yeah, ironically, ubuntu means humanity to others, its name have lost its meaning. I can see that the more Ubuntu evolves into this monstruosity, more and more work Trisquel developers will have.
Business can thrive on freedom. That's why hardware manufacturers (with the possible exception of Apple) don't prevent people from taking apart and hardware hacking their PC's.
i dont think you can say the same for apples mobile computers.
They make money on the usage of the Ubuntu name. If you advertise that your computer or service that you sell offers Ubuntu, you have to pay a fee for the usage of their trademarks.
They are a business and have to make money somehow. Can't rely on Shuttleworth's personal money forever.
Selling users to Amazon and the money they get from their services is not enugh? I don't recall redhat doing suff like that to make money (I refer to the selling users to some other company fact).
Yes, they have to make money, and yes, I agree they make money by targeting phones (for example) but why didn't they target projects like openmoko in the first place? with the fame they have they would probably make the phone grow instantly. They went directly for the proprietary stuff without hesitation and that is undeniable.
Do you remember the tremendous amount of money they ask for the Ubuntu edge? I do, that quantity was imposible to reach, they where selling smoke, and they where also testing the predisposition people have to get what Canonical makes.
They can try a lot of things before doing things like selling people to other companies like offering courses and certificates, take advantage of openmoko instead of making it's own closed sourced phone, trying to sell maintenance like redhat (I'm using redhat as an example but I know they are not perfect) does, etc...
Maybe because they have 500+ employees and want to expand beyond doing service contracts? Especially when that enterprise market has been gobbled up by RedHat.
I see your point, it's not the company that matters but the fact that more than 500 people have a good job and that is a good thing but the company is harming people because of some of their practices and that is bad. Fortunately, these employers are writing more free software there than if they worked for other entities way more deceitful.
All in all, your argument is not enough to make my mind change but sure I'm open to listen/read more opinions/arguments.
Personally, I fail to see how company's growth (and thus profits) is something more important than users' freedom. I understand how every company needs to make money but not every company decides to do it in unethical way. It's a choice.
supertramposo said:
the answer is very simple: business. just earning a lot of money. it seems clear to me that there are very few differences between canonical and m$ right now.
Your answer is straight forward; "MONEY MAKES HONEY AND BREAD", without you will lose a lot of pounds and gain a gazillion headaches. I think canonical is just swimming for their life.If they do go down, a lot of distros will fall along. Then back to basics again with the principality of Debian, instead of using Ubuntu as main linux repository.
I personally started to enjoy Debian, BSD and UniX.
When Canonical first came about I did wonder if it was just a great humanitarian effort by a multi-millionaire or just the beginnings of another business. The last 5 years or so have proven that it is merely a wedge into another business to get customers hooked on their services. They are more interested in pushing closed software on the platform that improving the freedoms that the users want. It did always bother me when occasionally you see in the offices and half of their machines are running Windows. :S
It is a shame really since I have spoken to a few people that are employed there and they do tend to have good heart in terms of freedom but it usually never really makes it to the end releases.
People who wanted Ubuntu phones already have a Firefox phone. Asian markets are going crazy over a Chinese startup selling what some people call cheap iPhones. Entry of Ubuntu phones will be difficult. Eventually Cannonical may let go of its ambitions.
It's true, Canonical does unethical business nowadays.
However, if i'm not completely misinformed, a typical Ubuntu system should still be a lot more free than windows or mac os, so it's still a possible system for doing the transition to a 100% free system; after all, it's a gnu/linux distro, so people who are used to ubuntu won't have much trouble when they switch to trisquel.
I think we need such transition systems for the moment - of course it would be much better if there was no need for them, and if the biggest one available wouldn't spy on its users.
Agreed- if it weren't for Ubuntu, I would've never learnt about the Free Software movement.
But hush, for we cannot publicly support Ubuntu in the slightest, lest we be portrayed as hypocritical!
Along time ago on. my first job, I was introduced as a user of a Unix terminal. I started after that, to learn linux Debian OSI.
I can only speak from my personal experience, and this won't be as much about ethics as it is of usability but Trisquel is pretty much my first GNU/L, and I have tried a lot of distros in last months using live versions (incl. Ubuntu). Thus far, Trisquel has been the easiest, most pleasant and familiar-yet-different-from-Windows experience for me. And the fact that it's libre only makes me more joyful about using it :)
A question we need to ask before giving all the credit to Ubuntu is - did we wanted a Gnu\Linux system or particularly Ubuntu. Were we attracted by Gnu philosophy or the unity desktop?
i was attracted by the gnu philosophy this video:
but if i had not ever started using non-free hipocritical distros like ubuntu
i would of never found out about gnu and libre software
i wonder how much publicity libre distros if there were no non-libre ones
maby a bsd distro would become what ubuntu is now
as weird as it is.
if it wasnt for ubuntu i would probberly be using microsoft windows right now using microsoft visual c++
it gives me nightmares -.-
rainteller my old friend...
I'm very happy to see such a positive reaction but how long have we been friends, exactly? :-)
SuperTramp just got friend-zoned.
So basically this(?):
"friendzoned is basically a preemptive rejection where people get too comfortable with someone and see them as only a special conversation/sharing info partner 'a friend' and unconsciously reject the person as a sexual opportunity and would be shocked and appalled if that was brought up"
SuperTramp83 said:
rainteller my old friend...
Did you ask me permission to be trolling with others?
Sucio traidor! Just Kidding!
If you are that old? then you must be 100 years old!!!
well. now i'm confused..
rainteller we are no longer friends!
Rainteller just got unfriend-zoned.
And I'm already considering searching for 'unfriend-zoned' definition... So, brace yerselves!
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