Certificate outdated?
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I just met a warning saying that the certificate for this site ran out a few minutes ago. Should I do something about it?
Add an exception and wait until Ruben gets a wake-up call on the issue.

Normally I would say "Don't go near it!" but I'm assuming it is just a brief lapse by Ruben.
Sorry, my bad, I'm fixing it right now.
[edit]: fixed, sorry all for the inconvenience.
No worries. Thanks for the efforts
Certbot can automate the issuance of certificates. Are you not using it? If so, how come? I'm not trying to be condescending; genuinely curious.
We're not using Certbot (yet) because of some particularities with our set-up, mostly related to the multiple servers and domains we're covering with the certificate. But we intend to fully automate this process soon :)
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