Could Trisquel 8 switch to MATE?
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Oh boy, this conversation is so interesting. I would love to join the systemd debate, but since this isn't related with MATE I shouldn't on this thread. Why not to create a new thread about systemd? of course Trisquel 8 will use it anyway because it's free software and because of upstream. But a little debate won't do any harm. Just please start the thread with a neutral statement, I hate debates that haven't started and already have a pro/against attitude.
Thanks for looking that up for us Magic. By the time Ubuntu 16.04 comes out, MATE will hopefully be 1.12 and above and be a viable option for Trisquel.
I don't think the init system effects Mate.
I always wait for the laptop to shut down before closing the lid. After all it is GNU and not windose, this meaning you don't have to wait 3 minutes for the stupid thing to shut down!! :P
MATE is adding GTK3 support as of the 1.10 release:
now I test MATE
+1 to MATE
I'm currently using Cinnamon on Trisquel via an added repository. It's a bit heavy on the GPU, however I consider it better than the Trisquel Default Session, GNOME Flashback, which just doesn't work as I would expect it to.
I'm currently considering the possibility of using XFCE, which shouldn't be as heavy on the GPU. In any case, I would suggest using anything but the default session. Maybe I'll also give the GTK3 version of MATE a try.
However, I'm almost certainly going to continue using certain GNOME Applications such as the System Monitor, Terminal, File Manager, etc. Those applications work very well, it's the GNOME Shell that's not very convenient, and then also GNOME Flashback is sort-of broken.
also try cairo dock
you can get it from the trisquel repo's
I don't really like to use docks, I prefer a Windows-style desktop environment.
I still prefer the panels because that's what I have always used for the past several years. That and I don't want something too heavy because it will drain the battery faster. Something simple like the screenshot below is sufficient. (Decorations were borrowed from the Mint-X theme in Cinnamon.)

It's actually the other way around for me: I, on Parabola, LOVE GNOME Shell, but I use PCManFM instead iof Nautilus, LXTerminal instead of GNOME Terminal (or sometimes GNOME Terminal 2 instead which is available in the AUR).
Well, I guess we can be thankful Nautilus, the terminal, etc aren't as tied to the shell as they used to be!
I do use Epiphany and Totem, though.
They were tied into the shell before? That's news to me. If anything, many GNOME components were starting to show their age in GNOME 3.4, being so similar to their GNOME 2 counterparts.
Not in 3, but my point was that if you want GNOME 2's shell but without GNOME Terminal and without Nautilus (or maybe only Nautilus?), good luck!
Oh, well I don't think GNOME Panel was ever called a "shell". It's a lot more simplistic and flexible than that.
The panel+nautilus, at the very least, certainly formed a shell though (which was why Nautilus couldn't be replaced and why Caja can't be replaced in MATE).
I used to go back and forth between GNOME Shell, KDE, and XFCE back when I had Debian (this was before I discovered Trisquel), and then after installing Trisquel, I almost entirely used just GNOME Flashback until I found out how to install Cinnamon on Trisquel. Just a few days ago, I came up with the idea of trying out XFCE, however I ended up installing MATE and customizing it.
Even though the GNOME Shell was an interesting change, I've found that a Windows-style desktop works best.
Speaking of Windows, I've gone 2 years without using Microsoft, Adobe, or other brands of proprietary software on my computer, and I don't even miss those days of half-broken software that's prone to malware, application lock ups, and WAT problems with Microsoft making sure I've paid my taxes by making scareware part of their software.
I switched over to Cinnamon as soon as possible since my video card at the time (Nvidia GT 430) supported 3D acceleration with the Nouveau drivers. If I did not have that option, MATE would have been great to use instead due familiarity and that I could use the exiting Trisquel themes.
Like I said before with MATE being officially supported, I could use future versions of Trisquel out of the box on more hardware without having to fight the limited default environment currently in Trisquel 6 and 7.
GNOME Flashback is officially supported. I get the impression that there are only one or two active developers, but it's not like it's just rotting in a forgotten repository.
try the terminator
sudo apt-get install terminator
I used many DEs but nothing comes close to the XFCE environment!!!
Fast, easy to use and customize, lightweight, beautiful.
There is no other DE but Xfce! :)
Personally I find it easier to customise LXDE, and I find KDE & TDE more customiseable.
Still find gnome fallback surprisingly good and easy to customize. It is now my desktop of choice. I like the fact that it is compatible with unity's indicator applications.
Someone copy the posts regarding Systemd to another thread! This ought to be fun, grab your popcorns!
LOL, I think it would be interesting as well.
Then it's settle, please go here for further systemd debate:
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