Disabling volume sounds

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Joined: 06/20/2013

I don't really know anything about the trisquel programs or who makes the programs so I don't know if this is the best place to ask but

Every time I turn up or down the volume it makes a sound. I've dealt with it for a couple years but it's really annoying and I would like to disable it once and for all. In the sound settings there is no option to do so. Any idea how to do this??? Thanks.

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

You can switch off the "Sound Effects" in "Sound" (in "System Settings").

Joined: 06/20/2013

Sorry that only removes all notification sounds. I just want to disable the sound when you change the volume.

Magic Banana

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A dirty solution would be to remove /usr/share/sounds/gnome/default/alerts/drip.org

Joined: 09/13/2010

I don't think GNOME lets you (easily at least) pick what notification sounds are played.


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laptop or desktop?
If laptop, what keys do you use?
If desktop, what happens if you change the volume using the volume knob on the speakers directly?

Try this, open a terminal and type:


use the left-and-right arrows to move from column to column, the up-and-down arrows to increase/decrease volume of a column, and the 'm' key to mute/unmute columns

Does it make a sound when you change the volume using alsamixer?