Do any of you watch Linux Action Show anymore?

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Joined: 05/15/2011

I watched this week's episode, made a comment about it going stagnant, and it turned into a 100+ post discussion:

Are many of you still burned by the show from the Stallman ep?

Joined: 05/15/2011

I forgot the forums here hate certain characters. Here's a short URL:

Joined: 04/22/2013

No I'm not burned by the stallman episode and I don't see any reason to be so.
Both hosts stated their point of view and discussed with stallman about it; I don't see any problem with that, even if their opinion is not my opinion.

RMS states his opinion in a very strict way without bothering himself with some psychology.
And I think this is a bit of an issue. Opensource deals with this issue in the wrong way. They don't talk about the right points any more because it is easier in a psychological way.
I'm sure you can say everything rms thinks but in a more subtle way.

The left one (I think it's brian) is right when he says rms don't has much practical ideas how to move from proprietary software to free software.
Is this wrong? No, but it leaves a problem remaining.
Someone has to come up with such an idea.
Most people ask: how can I behave in a moral way so that it has effects in reality.
RMS asks: how can I behave in a moral way.
He doesn't care whether it has some effects or not.
And asking this question can be misleading.
Perhaps he wouldn't have worked on the gnu project this way.
But in fact, I can use my pc in freedom because he did.
So perhaps his approach is more sensible than some other.

Joined: 05/30/2012

The episode with Stallman was rather stupid and poorly done (especially the guy with the glasses, Brian I think; he took Stallman's statements much too personally), but what made me lose any respect I had for them was the episode they made after that, which was clearly an attempt to "win" by attacking Stallman's character without him being there.

The reason I don't watch it, though, is they aren't talking about something I'm interested in. They constantly talk about proprietary software that runs on "Linux" (which, to them, includes both GNU/Linux and Android) and popular things like the Raspberry Pi, and I don't care for any of that. Their opinions are never particularly well-formulated, either; they come across as just a couple of unprofessional guys ranting about crap. Everything they say is obviously personal opinion and nothing more; if I want to hear some random guy's personal opinion on something, there are several other people I can listen to. These guys aren't special.

Joined: 04/22/2013

> Brian I think; he took Stallman's statements much too personally)

The two hosts represent the normal, average person.
Instead of blaming them for being stupid we should carefully study their reaction when being confronted with stallman.

Stallman told Brian his job and his profession is unethical and he should stop it.
It's a normal reaction to take this personally for such a guy, though stallman is right.

Then, Brian got more and more emotionally and asked exaggerated questions. Something like "Do you think not writing proprietary software is more important than feeding my daughter?"
but Stallman didn't care that Brian was trying to show him as a heartless freak with unrealistic views and so he said

Joined: 08/17/2011

I can't less care about those two guys. It's all about convenience and profitability. The show and I don't share the same values, so why should I pay any interest on it?

Brian was just ignoring every point and refusing to listen to Richard. I almost sort of felt sorry for Brian being so closely minded.. but we the Free Software Movement will do just fine without him, and we'll stay on the path anyway.

Joined: 01/27/2012

The RMS episode is ultimately irrelevant.
I dont watch them because they come of as unprofessional and amateurish.
I'd rather watch diggnation recordings than wasting my time with their show.

Joined: 04/19/2012

On 06/08/13 13:39, t3g wrote:
> I watched this week's episode, made a comment about it going
> stagnant, and it turned into a 100+ post discussion:

I remember the 100+ post discussion here after the RMS episode. Please
let's not have that happen again.


Joined: 02/29/2012

I was really irritated with those hosts after the recorded the show after the one RMS was on. Like someone else mentioned, they were simply bashing him when he couldn't defend himself. They went so far as to call him a pedofile. I actually created an account on their forums so that I could voice my opinion about it but then decided that they weren't worth the time or the thought.

Joined: 04/22/2013

> They went so far as to call him a pedofile.

I don't want to come to their defence, but perhaps it's because of quotes like:

Especially point two and three.
I really agree with him when he talks about all the other things (bestiality, prostitution etc.) and yeah, those things shouldn't be forbidden as long as no one gets coerced.
But when he talks about pedophilia, I wish he had added something like "almost every available child porn is not voluntary and should be forbidden" or a statement like this.
I guess it's a bit of a misunderstanding;
But he really should have stated his opinion a bit more carefully and more clearly.

Joined: 03/26/2011

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