Download photos from an iPhone

Trying to use gphoto2 and digicam to access the photographs on an iPhone.
I've set the storage location for digicam's database on a USB mass storage
device located at /dev/sdc, and I can see that /dev/sdc is the mount point,
as revealed by typing gphoto2 --list-ports ==> usbdiskdirect:/dev/sdc USB Mass Storage direct IO
but trying to open the iPhone ikon that appears on the Desktop elicits the error
shown by the attached screenshot. I have not been able to locate the mount point
given in the error statement in that screenshot. When I try to import images,
digikam appears to be getting them from /dev/sdc and _not_ from the iPhone.
Digikam is apparently trying to gather _all_ the images on that 4TB storage device,
which is not at all what I want.

Screenshot at 2023-01-06 10-10-27.png14.17 KB