The end of YouTube API v2
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I've got urgent bad news about YouTube API v2 today, but unfortunately, it was officially discontinued and no longer affected works with older devices and apps.
Maybe then they will be soon updating the latest API or browse the web.
Anexo | Tamaño |
smtube-discontinued-api.png | 19.04 KB |
Oh no! >_<
I just checked, and Minitube's not working now.
mpsyt works, but had the "Device unsupported" search result that you can pretty much ignore.
I'm not aware of any bad things about API v3, though-- I mean, is there bad news about v3?
Check out other options here:
Both ViewTube and Unplug (at least) still seem to perfectly work.
Thanks. I've been already using ViewTube browser scripts, smtube (updated via PPA repository) and youtube-dl to partially work for me, but that's the same problem for using an outdated API.
"HTML5 Video Everywhere" extension is working fine as well.
both minitube and smtube work perfectly here.
both minitube and smtube work perfectly for me
xbmc and viewtube and youtube-dl working for me
Hi there.
I had the same problem, no with SMTube, but with Minitube. I installed the last version of the program and now it works fine.
I hope this be usefull for you.
I went to compile the latest version of minitube. It now needs a google api key for which I would need to signup a google account!!!??
wtf? Is there a workaround for this?
In the abrowser source package, there is a file debian/g. I think it contains a google api key.
Legimet: there indeed appears to be one. But I still cannot compile minitube.
I follow the instructions here but
gives me the output - api key needed bla bla bla..
Can you point me in the right direction? Much appreciated!
I don't know, I got the same error when I tried it yesterday.
I even tried with another api key which I found on a website. No can do.. It's a shame - I use youtube-dl to download the vids but I really need a no-browser solution for streaming yt videos. :(
Write back if you succeed in compiling it!
Did VLC and Totem stop working? Or are you really talking about searching for videos?
Hi onpon! VLC works just fine. I'm talking about the searching function yes.
Anyway there is a good news ->
i dont understand why minitube has this problem when xbmc
runs everything fine in HD?
why do all the other programs not just copy this?:
So, here's the worst part you can't watch, listen or download some music and videos from YouTube, because there are common reasons of age verification, copyright restrictions, country restrictions and any others.
you can use youtube-dl to bypass age restriction
and you can use tor to bypass location restrictions minitube and no smtube works right now! stupid api! Just an empty list. no vids at all. no one vid. :(
ay ay ay
Need to solve this!
p.s - today, that is some hours ago all worked perfectly!
XBMC's youtube plugin dosent work
oh well ill have to use viewtube...
btw i wonder if someone could create a program to systematicly download all the CC licensed media from youtube and then put it on a mediagoblin site
you would need a (RELY)good internet connection and alot of time though
Like I told you before I said that was outdated and still not working, then what will they want to do?!
I can watch YT from Epiphany (which is....OK, a browser), albeit from Parabola.
Maybe you can make a shortcut from Epiphany/Midori which opens a window staright to YouTube.
In Epiphany they're called webapps and can be added through beside-location-bar menu/Save as Web Application and in Midori they can be configured through Tools/Applications.
(It's an awful hack, I know, but if you're out of might help)
"...albeit from Parabola."
I don't understand what you mean...
Epiphany is a GNOME project, also called GNOME Web- it's available in the Trisquel repos and Parabola repos. (If memory serves, at least, it's in the Trisquel repos. If not, you can go to the GNOME PPA)
Parabola is much more up-to-date, though.
That being said, it doesn't make a difference in this case, and I don't think "use a browser that executes YouTube's proprietary JavaScript code" is an appropriate or useful suggestion anyway.
"YouTube's proprietary JavaScript code"
Ah, my bad - didn't realise that :(
Here is the beta of the new smtube. It's in early development (you can't download the vids, for instance) but it works great for searching and streaming.
compile with:
Also if you fancy a GUI for youtube-dl:
You almost forgot the automoc before compiling to work.
Finally, the SMPlayer YouTube Browser (SMTube) has arrived to update the latest version of 15.5.10. It looks like a web browser comes with the YouTube API v3 powered, and also there is a PPA repository available.
don't repo nuff' - compile!
also take a look at this handy solution for downloading the vids ->
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