Files from separate partition into recycle bin

5 respostas [Última entrada]
Joined: 12/20/2010


I keep my personal files in a separate partition called "Data". This is instead of a separate /home partition, and makes upgrading and reinstalling much easier.

However, when I delete files from this partition, I get a dialogue telling me that I can't move the file into the recycle bin, but I can delete it directly.
This doesn't bother me much, but it's a minor inconvenience not to have the opportunity to regret deleting a file.

Could someone with more knowledge tell me why I can't put files from "Data" in the waste basket? And more importantly; is there a way to do it?

Appreciate any help,



I am a member!

Joined: 01/04/2011

Can you post the "ls -l /media" output ?
The problem might be with permissions...

Joined: 12/16/2009

When you move a file to the trash from you home directory, it goes to "/home/YOU/.local/share/Trash/". When you move a file from other mounted partitions, it may go to a directory like "mount_pount/.Trash-1000", if this directory exists or you have the needed permissions to create such directory. In your case, you most probably don't have the needed permission to create such directory.

You can either setup the mount point permissions so you can automatically create such directory, or you can create a trash directory and set its owner and permissions manually. I'm guessing the number after ".Trash-" should be your user id, which is most probably "1000".

Joined: 12/16/2009

When you move a file to the trash from you home directory, it goes to
"/home/YOU/.local/share/Trash/". When you move a file from other
mounted partitions, it may go to a directory like
"mount_pount/.Trash-1000", if this directory exists or you have the
needed to create such directory. In your case, you most probably don't
have the needed permission to create such directory.

You can either setup the mount point permissions so you can
automatically create such directory, or you can create such directory
and set its owner and permissions manually. I'm guessing the number
after ".Trash-" should be your user id.


I am a member!

Joined: 01/04/2011

Can you post the "ls -l /media" output ?
It might be the permissions...

Joined: 12/20/2010


I keep my personal files in a separate partition called "Data". This is
instead of a separate /home partition, and makes upgrading and reinstalling
much easier.

However, when I delete files from this partition, I get a dialogue telling me
that I can't move the file into the recycle bin, but I can delete it
This doesn't bother me much, but it's a minor inconvenience not to have the
opportunity to regret deleting a file.

Could someone with more knowledge tell me why I can't put files from "Data"
in the waste basket? And more importantly; is there a way to do it?

Appreciate any help,
