Finding build dependencies of build dependencies fast.

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Joined: 12/20/2023

Is there a fast way to find all the build dependencies of a program and all the build dependencies of those build dependencies and those etc. .etc till no more build dependencies are needed? And not also including the suggested ones or not needed ones?

Like if I wished to build Trisquel from source do I need to install more programs than Trisquel's iso install image has, and if I wish to build those what, if any, more things are needed?

I think Guix somehow has a full source bootstrap, though I do not know if that may also somehow need a working Guix to use.

I was looking for ways to build an operating system from source. Maybe also a computer architecture from logic gates, though first just building an operating system from source.

I do not know if I need a working operating system to build an operating system, or if somehow on a computer without an operating system I can still build Trisquel. shows a computer architecture that someone call Ben Eater also made videos about, though I do not think this 8-bit breadboard computer can run or compile Trisquel.


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Joined: 07/15/2009

The gitlab instance has all the projects used to build trisquel and changes to packages it ships.

You may want to get involved on projects like:

  • package-helpers
  • trisquel-builder
  • makeiso

> I do not know if I need a working operating system to build an operating system

I say you do. At least for Debian based distros.

Joined: 11/21/2010

You may also want to check out Linux From Scratch:

Yes, you will need some working operating system to start with, but the LFS documentation describes the steps to build from source a system capable of building the target system. (At least, that's how it was when I went through it many years ago).

Joined: 12/20/2023



I think Guix has a duration of build time as well as how much total RAM and total store disk space are needed to build hurd-barebones.qcow2

How much memory, in both storage and RAM, and processing power is needed to build Trisquel?

May show how much may be needed for just installing Trisquel.

Keep in mind that Trisquel 12 will consume more disk space for the root partition.

So will it also need more memory, in both storage and RAM, and processing power to build Trisquel 12?

And is there a way to use less memory, in both storage and RAM, and processing power to build and/or run Trisquel?