Free Webex client possible?
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There are some free software Webex SDKs out there. It seems it should be possible to build a complete free software client for Webex using those. I hoped that perhaps someone has already done that, but I can't find anything.
So, do you happen to know of any libre Cisco Webex client? Or perhaps you're able to estimate how much work it would take to create one? Or maybe you're aware of some obstacle that would make it impossible? Any information on the matter is welcome :)
Probably a lot of work. And we already have other free software programs for video conferencing.
Sure, do not think I would ever choose it myself! I just hoped I could get it work for my thesis defense. But that's not that necessary now - I am going to have a "remote" defense at the university, using their device. Although this is still a crappy solution, I find it acceptable (unlike enabling nonfree Webex' js on my device)
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