gmusicbrowser can't play flac?

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Joined: 07/27/2010

I just installed Trisquel 4.0 and tried playing my music collection with gmusicbrowser, but all the flacs I have won't play, the error message gmusicbrowser gives me is, "flac123 | ogg123 needed".

So I checked in the preferences, and found out the thing doesn't see my gstreamer, which is clearly installed (aptitude lists it with an i on the left). Instead of gstreamer it was using some weird mpg123, which apparently supports mp3 only (gmusicbrowser tells that in the preference window).

What I did, was to install some of the flac related stuff from the repository (flac libaudio-flac-decoder-perl) and then mplayer. Don't know what really helped me more, but then I was able to select mplayer as the gmusicbrowser output, which made flacs playable.

This seems rather strange, that the player wasn't supporting flac out of the box and that it doesn't recognize gstreamer (the option for gstreamer output is grey). Was that normal, or is something broken in my system, like the gmusicbrowser or my installation was wrong?

Magic Banana

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I am a translator!

Joined: 07/24/2010

Although gstreamer seems to be an option for gmusicbrowser (according to its webpage), it is not the only one and the package in Trisquel's repository specifies, as dependencies, mpg321/ogg123/flac123. I believe you only have mpg321 installed (for MP3 playing). By installing flac123, as suggested by the error message, FLAC files should play as well. The problem is: flac123 is not in Trisquel's repository !


I am a translator!

Joined: 07/27/2010

I know, gstreamer is an option for gmusicbrowser. The options it can use are suggested by the preference menu - one can see gstreamer, mpg321, mplayer and icecast server.
Strange thing is, gstreamer is highlighted gray, as if it's not installed (which it is). After installing mplayer I was able to choose that instead of mpg321, which solved the problem without the need to search for flac123. Now it says the player supports ape, flac, mp3, mpc, ogg, wave :-)

Another problem I have with gmusicbrowser is, the tray icon doesn't show up! In the preferences you can switch the tray icon on and off, but this is also highlighted gray for some reason.


I am a translator!

Joined: 07/27/2010

issue with trayicon solved.