Gnash and swfdec Don't Work In Web Browser

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Joined: 04/18/2010

I installed gnash and made a symlink for it to the usr/lib/firefox/plugins directory and flash didn't work and swfdec has a symlink in that path called and flash isn't working with that either.

What gives, why can't I get flash to work?


Joined: 04/08/2009

Hi DasFox, sorry you're having trouble with Flash, it's an issue thats the subject of other threads here, and you'll find answers on those. They are mainly workarounds using others players.

Probably the easiest way to get YouTube working is to install the GreaseMonkey Firefox plugin, and the YouTube without Flash script. This will work for most videos on YouTube. For ones that don't, they might run using SwfDec, just click the "View Flash" link under the video. Others you might be able to download with the download links. As far as I know, the rest are currently not playable without Flash.

As regards web sites other than YouTube, some will work with SwfDec, or by adding the web site to the GreaseMonkey script.

This issue should not occur at all. Everything to display the full functionality of every web page should be built into the web browser. There should be no need for proprietary plug-ins.

Firefox GreaseMonkey Extension:
YouTube without Flash Script:

Joined: 04/18/2010

Thanks for the reply, but to many hassles just to surf the web, this is just another reason why I'm not using a Free distro like Trisquel, it's just not ready for normal usage.

I can't be bothered...

Maybe in a year things will improve, maybe not...


Joined: 02/24/2009

2010/4/26 <name at domain>

> Thanks for the reply, but to many hassles just to surf the web, this is
> just another reason why I'm not using a Free distro like Trisquel, it's just
> not ready for normal usage.
> I can't be bothered...
> Maybe in a year things will improve, maybe not...

Try tinyogg: All videos will show. Remember that the fault is not the
distro. It's the format. It is defective by design. And when you use a
distro that complies to its non-standard format, you become one of its
supporters. Do you really want to supports these guys?

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Estas opiniones son las de un Consejero de FSFLA pero no representan la
posición oficial de FSFLA porque eso implica el consenso para ello en el
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"¿Sólo cuando el último árbol esté muerto, el último río envenenado y el
último pez atrapado nos daremos cuenta que no se puede comer dinero?"
"Only when the last tree is dead, the last river is poisoned and the last
fish is caught will we realize that money is not edible?"

Joined: 04/03/2010

I know I am gonna be hated by most of the guys from this forum, but I can't resist helping.

I know it's not in agreement with the goal of the distro, but I had issues with Flash too (not you tube because I never use it, other sites using flash), and I decided to add the multiverse repositories from Ubuntu 9.10 and download the Flash player.

Then, why the hell am I using this distro and not Ubuntu, you might ask?

Because so far, this is the first distro that tries and almost succeed to make everything work with only free software. Whenever I can, I will use free software and free software only, but I must say Flash is a real pain, and there is not at this moment, unfortunately, a reliable free software alternative.

Sorry to be a traitor, but I don't really feel like one, since, I believe, I am helping the free software cause by using a free distro, and man, I love the distro and the artwork. Keep up the good work.

Joined: 04/08/2009

Hi BedBug, you're far from a traitor in my eyes. There's no problem adapting an OS to suit your needs, thats what GNU/Linux is all about. It's a pity computer users have to take these steps just to browse the internet.

Although there's an easier and less drastic way to install Flash, using Synaptic:

1) Go to Start > System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager.

2) Remove the SwfDec packages completely and the configuration files. You can use the search facility to find them.

3) Then go to the Adobe Flash site and install the Flash .deb package for Ubuntu 8.04+. Restart the browser and Flash will be installed.

I think this is the "less worse" option than enabling repositories designed for another distribution. Just to say I'm not recommending or advocating the installation of Flash. I currently operate without it.

Joined: 04/03/2010

>I think this is the "less worse" option than enabling repositories designed >for another distribution

Thanks for the advice. Problem is, I am running x86_64 edition and I am not sure the .deb package provided by Adobe works on this kind of system.

Besides, as far as I know, Trisquel 3.5 is based on Ubuntu 9.10 and the packages look the same. That's why I figured there shoudn't be much trouble using these repositories.

>Just to say I'm not recommending or advocating the installation of Flash.
>I currently operate without it.

I really wish I could. Sure I am not using anymore flash sites like deezer, youtube etc., but as a teacher, a lot of interesting resources for students are being provided for flash users only, and it makes teaching a lot harder and painful without these ressources.

Thanks anyway. Have a good day.

Joined: 02/24/2009

Hi Lodoyen.

I do not believe you are a traitor. I understand your motives for using
non-free software and I am sure tempted to do the same. I do not blame you
for doing it. Anyway, I think it is the easiest way of fighting for freedom
but it may prove to be counterproductive on the long run.

Imagine for a moment that you were Eric Ramond or Bruce Perens back in 1984
and that you could change the way software freedom is considered now. Would
you choose what they chose or would you promote freedom. Your participation
is very important for us and your acts will define the destiny of the free
software movement. Please consider yourself important enough to make this
effort to promote the ideal; the dream that we are trying to make real; the
dream that all software provides freedom.

If we choose the path that promotes freedom and stand strong despite the
forces opposing it, we will have it easy in the end. We count on you to help
us. Your participation is of crucial importance.

Quiliro Ordóñez
593(2)340 1517 / 593(9)821 8696
Estas son opiniones personales y no representan la posición de ninguna

Tony dat
Joined: 12/24/2010

It is used as a general term to describe to creating and involve in any type of web page.The intent of web design is to create a website—a collection of online content including documents and applications that reside on a Web server/servers. web designing The website may include text, images, sounds and other content, and may be interactive. Web design is a broad term used to encompass the way that content (usually hypertext or hypermedia) that are delivered to an end-user through the World Wide Web, using a Web browser.


I am a translator!

Joined: 12/28/2009

I've not experienced these deep problems with Flash in the browser. Assuming a fresh install, everything should work immediately.

Are you sure you also installed the Mozilla browser plugin for Gnash/Swfdec? It won't work in the browser without those add-ons.

Joined: 04/18/2010

I installed Trisquel 3.5 for x64 then after it was installed, the first thing I did was install Gnash and the plugin and Gnash didn't work.


I am a translator!

Joined: 02/16/2009

If you want to use Gnash Mozilla plugin you need to uninstall swfdec Mozilla plugin first, otherwise web browser will continue using the swfdec plugin. Perhaps swfdec works better on some pages, though it is true that none of them work on some pages.

Joined: 04/08/2009

Yeah I've found this out as well. You need to remove the old players and their sym links in the plugins folder first, easiest to do using Synaptic. That forces the browser to use whatever plugin is then installed.

Joined: 04/18/2010

I did uninstall swfdec and installed Gnash, but it still didn't work.


I am a translator!

Joined: 12/28/2009

That's strange. It just plain ought to be working.