GNU/Linux distros ethics comparison meme

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Joined: 12/02/2024

It is a shame that Mint (one of the most unethical distros) has become the most popular """beginner-friendly""" distro. Mint users are victim's of Mint's bondage such as proprietary software promotion . Even Mint's developers are victims, since the evil Mint demands that all developers have a GitCrap account (source, warning Cloudflare ), going against software freedom. If you are oppressed by Mint, I am truly sorry.

This has been posted in The Troll Lounge due to the meme but this doesn't mean this isn't serious, Losedows refugees are literally being oppressed by being lead to use a distro that doesn't have their software freedom in mind.

gnu-linux-comparison-meme.png1.84 MB
Joined: 11/05/2024

Is it worse than Ubuntu?

Joined: 12/02/2024

In a way it is, it has already become mainstream for people to not take so-called Ubuntu too seriously and to know that it's not a respectful distro, with malicious things like Snaps and the like, meanwhile Mint is actually taken seriously and people who dislike so-called Ubuntu often recommend Mint, so in a way Mint is worse and more dangerous than so-called Ubuntu due to Mint's higher reputation. Mint pretends to be some sort of "better Ubuntu" by disabling things like Snaps, but in practice Mint is quite similar to so-called Ubuntu due to how both promote proprietary software, so the main difference between Mint and so-called Ubuntu is that one (Mint) is seem as a friend while the other (so-called Ubuntu) is seem as an enemy, so Mint is in practice more dangerous

It is a similar situation with Debian, Debian has become increasingly more proprietary with things like automatic installation of freedom-denying firmware, yet people still take Debian too seriously, meaning Debian might be a greater threat to user freedom than so-called Ubuntu. So-called Ubuntu has become some sort of laughing stock in some communities, yet Debian and Mint are still taken too seriously.

I'm calling it "so-called Ubuntu" because the word ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning "humanity to others" (symbolized by "I am because we are"), and therefore I do not see so-called Ubuntu's use of the term ubuntu as legitimate because so-called Ubuntu is clearly lacking in the "humanity" aspect.

Joined: 12/02/2024

I've come up with a shorter pejorative term other than "so-called Ubuntu", but it violates the forum's "no harsh language" guideline by using a swear word so I had to use the longer "so-called Ubuntu" term instead.


Joined: 12/02/2024

> Mint pretends to be some sort of "better Ubuntu" by disabling things like Snaps, but in practice Mint is quite similar to so-called Ubuntu due to how both promote proprietary software

The true "better Ubuntu" is Trisquel, because it actually fixes the main flaw of so-called Ubuntu, which is the promotion of proprietary software. Like I said in another post, Trisquel is the people's Ubuntu, it actually focuses on building a better world for everyone through free software instead of acting like proprietary software is okay.

Joined: 12/02/2024

Noticed this at the bottom of the page:

> Copyright © 2004–2024 The Trisquel Project | Otherwise noted, the contents of this page are licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License with no invariant sections.

For your information, the text in the meme is mine so I agree to license it as such, but the meme template is not mine and is a derivative meme work and therefore it's mostly likely that it can't be licensed as GFDL.

Here's the transcript, without the template, under GFDL (note that I mispelled DFSG as DSFG in the meme):

PureOS: "I follow the FSDG ethical requirements but also the DSFG"

Trisquel: "I follow the FSDG, but you also follow the DSFG? DSFG bans things such as the Emacs Info Manual"

Hyperbola: "FSF is corrupt and its FSDG isn't properly enforced, we need policies that go beyond the FSDG such as init freedom and minimalism"

Losedows and awful distros such as Mint happily surrendering user freedom: "You guys have ethics?"