GNU/LINUX logo and logotype
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this is my contribution to open community (LINK):
If you find it interesting, use it ...
Best regards
Oh my goodness, that was a very attractive design and very well though too.
Very nice.
Try to get it used somewhere.
That is very good indeed, does emphasise Linux more than GNU but that's just a minor point of design. It does get the point across
Spread it, use it everywhere!
nice work
Edit: I agree with the members who say that the name Linux is disproportionately prominent. I still like the design; I think it's a good starting point. I hope that someone with the skill and interest can edit it to give GNU representative credit.
Wow. Just... My jaw litterately dropped a little.
So many people have attempted this feat, yet you've done it better than any other one I've seen. This looks wonderful...
I love you. I love you.
(I want this on my keyboard, rather than the Tux I have on it now.)
Nicely done.
However, I fear the masses will look at it and say "wtf is lignux?"
nice, but i think that will contribute to name the OS linux rather than gnu/linux, the gnu part isn't so explicit for a new user. it seems to me that this logo was for a new distro rather than for general porpouse. that's my point of view, i don't mean to be critical, it look nice, but this is what i get.
Indeed, it's not a well designed logo and I certainly don't recommend it
for use, because GNU is depicted as a _detail_ of "LINUX". This can't be
right considering GNU is the system and Linux is just its core at center
You can also read Dragora's developer response:
Tiberiu C. Turbureanu
Președinte, Fundația Ceata
Telefon: +40-761-810-100
GPG: 8B51 53CB 354E 3049 FAE9 3260 F033 8452 4154 1967
Susții libertatea artelor și tehnologiilor?
Înscrie-te ca membru! (
Haha, I knew exactly that some people will come along giving their "Gnu isn't portraied important enough" speech.
Well, for me I can say that you've done a really great job!
Looks awesome.
The logo looks great, but GNU should be emphasized more AFAIK, GNU contributes far much more than Linux.
you asked for opinion so: I even think that the horn in the logo isn't so point of view.
The symbols already exixts I don't think that reinvent one it is good idea, you can upgrade the already existing one, but create a mixed one that seems totally new create fragmentation and in the gnu/linux world already there is too much. We are trying to correct people that the name is GNU plus Linux I don't think this gonna help.
Jabjabs says:
"That is very good indeed, does emphasise Linux more than GNU but that's just a minor point of design. It does get the point across"
Thanx Jabjabs... you are right - it is design, not religion.
Thanx also to a-slacker-here, axgb, JadedCtrl, salparadise, quantumgravity and others :)
It's very nice. liGNUx
No! no! no!
I hate anything with FREAKING HORNS!!!!
The ""i"" should be minimized To lowest size Font, the "G" font letter larger,
In other words the "G" should be super imposing the "i"
The first time I looked at the large format one my eye didn't go back to the G. I had to think 'why is this GNU Linux' to know. Even when you know that it's GNU Linux my eye does the same with some of the smaller examples because the G bleeds to a O. So from my 'Non-designers' Design Book' by Robin Williams 101 understanding I'd say it still needs work as a design.
More appropriate if you can barely see the Linux...

Is like nike logo.. it isn't?
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