Good News (it sounds like): WebOS ditching support for proprietary components

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Joined: 04/23/2011

While the terms in this article are off a bit it sounds like WebOS is switching to more of a free software model similar Trisquel where non-free components are not supported. This is an interesting change and I wonder what devices might be supported as older WebOS devices won't be due to proprietary dependencies.

Here is the article for those who want to read it:

Joined: 09/13/2010

Not necessarily. While it *could* mean that, depending on how you read the original blog post, it could also mean that things the TouchPad are using 3rd party proprietary software. If HP produced a TouchPad-like device that used non-free WiFi firmware, for example, that could be read to be consistent with their statement... so long as it's integrated with the kernel named Linux, which many non-free things are.

But I am definitely keeping an eye on the situation as it develops.


I am a member!

Joined: 04/23/2011

True- some non-free firmware might not be the issue. It's probably the proprietary drivers that are from the technical side of things that they are referring.

Either way it sounded to me like the newer systems which were supported officially would only be those without these proprietary pieces (at least the drivers).