Got a few problems with Trisquel 7

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Joined: 07/27/2012

Hi everyone!

Just upgraded to 7 from 6 and I'm loving it. I have three problems though.

1. When using one finger scrolling with a touchpad, the scrolling directions are reversed. Up = down and down = up as if I'm using a touch screen. I could not find a way to change this. When testing with my mouse, the scrolling worked just fine. Is there a way to access my touchpad controlls in a deeper level than the GUI interface in system settings?

2. I would like to change the user logging screen. Now it list all user accounts. I'd rather have it just ask for a user name and then the password insted. I tried Alt + F2 with "sudo gconftool-2 -t bool -s /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/disable_user_list true" which worked with Trisquel 6. Did not work this time though.

3. My custom keyboard shortcut for opening trashbin does not work. It is "nautilus trash://". Works in bash just fine but not at all when I use it with the keyboard shortcut I assigned it to (Ctrl + Alt + R).

I like the new Trisquel very much but would like to get these few thigs fixed if possible. Can you help?

Magic Banana

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Trisquel 7's display manager is LightDM. Not GDM. Try to append "greeter-hide-users=true " to /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf:
$ echo 'greeter-hide-users=true ' | sudo tee -a /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf


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Joined: 07/27/2012

Thanks for your help. It got me to the right path towards the solution.

2. Solved. When I tried your way, my logging screen never loaded and I had to revert with tty6. After a quick search I found the answer:

create a folder and a conf file
sudo mkdir -p /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d
sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-my-custom-config.conf

add the following to the conf file to hide the user list


You can also add the following to hide the guest session


Now it works just as I want it to.

Joined: 05/13/2010

1. Try this command to see if the scroll gets inverted

synclient VertScrollDelta=-100

3. What if you put that command into a file and make the file executable and then bind it to a key? You might need to add a first row to the file containing #!/bin/sh


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Joined: 07/27/2012

Thanks for your reply!

1. Solved. I found out that using value 100 instead of -100 worked. The problem re-occurred so I solved it with a script runned at login.

3. This does not work for some reason. My script works but I can't seem to be able to run it with a keyboard shortcut. I even tried using another shortcut that I know works (Ctrl + Alt + H for home folder) but to no avail. My script is in $PATH and it works fine from bash. The shortcut command I tried to use is "/bin/bash" so it should just work. Weird.


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Joined: 07/27/2012

1. Just noticed that changing the value effects only my web browser leaving the file browser unaffected. Weird. And even more weirdly, after changing the value three times (100 -> -100 -> 100) it affects the whole system and solves my problem. Weird indeed, but solved.

3. Remains to be solved.

Joined: 05/13/2010

Did you try specifying the full path to the script?


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Joined: 07/27/2012

3. Solved. "/bin/bash" works after all. It seems that if I change my command, I need to reboot to see if it really works. Tested with "/bin/bash ~/path-to/" and it did not work even after a reboot. The problem is solved with this workaround but the weird behavior still bothers me a bit. Also the windows stylish "requirement to reboot" Anyway, thanks for your help lembas and Magic Banana! You were a great help!