The great east Japan earthquake (March 11,2011)
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Please imagine when the great east japan earthquake occured, most residents who lived in near the nuclear power station left their pets, that they had said they were members of their family, behind and run away from their houses.
So there were many stray animals in the ghost towns then. They left even their family behind, so there is no reason that farmers who had livestock did not leave those livestock behind. They also call those livestock as like their family, btw, even now. And there were people who left their real families behind and tried to save only themselves with their fishing boats.
What I want you to imagine is the pigpens. They pigs could not run away from there of course. It was summer. Some people reported the situations of the pigpens to the internet.
Of course they were wearing radioactive contamination protective clothings. They heared a strange noise at the entrance of the site of the pigpen. It was getting more louder more they came near to the pigpen. It was the hum of lots of flies. Inside of the pigpen was very hot. There were lots of flies. Most pigs were dead. There were lots of rotten bodies and a few survivors. They survivors were eating the rotten bodies of other pigs. Most Japanese don't know such news. Or they would have forgotten such news soon. Would you be able to imagine the rest of the situations. There must have been one of the most terrible living hells. I cannot imagine how they would have got such a karma.
This forum section is "A place to discuss free software, free culture, online privacy and related topics". When I check it this is what I expect to see, not stuff which belongs to the Troll Lounge.
I have invited you kindly more than once to stop with the off-topic BS but you keep dumping random thoughts in threads of others and ones in which you mainly talk to youself claiming that your "questions are almost always ultra meaningful".
Freedom of speech is fine but it surely doesn't mean talk for the sake of it. Enough is enough. This is not Hyde Park.
May a moderator please step in and take care of this mess?
I heard a radio program about the aftermath of Tōhoku tsunami. There were so many people whose lives were lost and their bodies were never recovered, and the families couldn't have a proper funeral or any closure. So a telephone booth was set up where people could travel to the area of the tsunami and talk into the telephone and say goodbye to their loved ones. It was called the "phone of the wind".
On the radio program, they played many of the recorded messages that people left on the telephone for their loved ones. Very sad messages. I found it to be an interesting case where simple technology such as a telephone and a recording device could help people to process their emotions about death and try to send messages to people in the afterlife. The radio program is at this link, but very sad to listen to:
Those each "the national security agency" gathering "information" for their "people"'s sake could have "hacked" into those people's devices to send critical information when a crisis such as tsunami occured.
In the case of tohoku tsunami, they must have been able to send the information e.g. the expected arrival time of the tsunami, the height of the tsunami, the expected dangerous area from its power, the best safety zone which was calculated by computers from information of the satellites from each an evacuee's current place, it must have been possible that calculating the safety zone from the current place, above sea level where she/he was, the current traffic jam, her/his transportation, etc etc, I don't know well but they could have sent them something valuable information.
Not just in the case of the tsunami. My friend died last summer. Anyway the situation was that if, if the friend was under the surveillance, the friend might have been saved.
Other friend said, he had an appointment with the friend on that day. The friend didn't come there. He called him. The friend didn't answer.
He felt strange then visited the friend's house. The door was locked. He called a goverment office and told that probably the friend was there, something must have happened, so asked them to open the door. They refused. Only relatives can ask them to do it. It might be reasonable. But that depends.
He said if they did that, the friend might have been saved.
Those agencies must have left many "people" who they have to protect with the "tax", behind, despite they might have kept them under surveillance. They must have been able to save many people with PRISM. Even if anyone says anything, those are murder. Try to confute me. They must have decided to leave those people behind even if something critical thing occured.
Because the national security is heavier than such "suspects"'s lives.
That is the responsibility of the power. I wonder how many those kids have been doing their jobs with the sense of responsibility.
At least, the workers of Japanese nuclear power stations must have been under the high-priortized surveillance because of needless to say but the threat of nuclear bombs.
> Those each "the national security agency" gathering "information" for their "people"'s sake could have "hacked" into those people's devices to send critical information when a crisis such as tsunami occured.
You shouldn't need to "hack into" people's phones to send them cell phone alerts about an approaching tsunami. Just make sure you have a severe weather alert notification system set up. The important thing would be to make the alert system fully open and to make sure all the code can be audited, and that it does not also spy on people. Possibly a "push" notification system that was based on which cell-phone tower you receive a cell signal from.
>You shouldn't need to "hack into" people's phones to send them cell phone alerts about an approaching tsunami.
I agreed. But as I wrote maybe many times, the first priority is how to stop pollution. Because, needless to say, even if the freedom was achieved, if environmental pollution gives us the critical damage, does the freedom have meaning?
OK, here is a forum of the computer world. But obviously the computer technology has a great potential to stop the pollution. Or rather, if we had not computers, we would not be able to stop environmental pollution. Of course you guys know such a thing. Should I talk about this in Google forum?
I have just read an article. He write that if the Fukushima no.1 nuclear power station went below under water, we would not have measures to stop pollution. It was really lucky. But no one mentions such a thing. Still the situations of the power station seems to be bad. He write that we would have to keep taking measures for thousands of years.
I have just checked the current situations of the power station. Curiously, I could not find the current situations of the power station easily. I merely typed the name of the power station and the word "the situation" and "2019" into the search box of duckduckgo. Tokyo Electric Power Company announced decommissioning will take until around 2050.
They have still been decommissioning the power station. There must be many nuclear power stations which are located at coast lines. The important thing would be, I am really reluctant to say this but we must be desiring to become extinct by pollution. A short time ago (still now though), wars played the roll. But practically the world war III is impossible so there is no other ways to become extinct. I will explain this later. Of course it concerns with thanatos.
When I got to know about the pigs, I predicted a new variety of virus will appear. Radioactivity must create the new variety of virus.
> even if the freedom was achieved, if environmental pollution gives us the critical damage, does the freedom have meaning?
Life without freedom is also without meaning. Freedom and responsibility must go hand in hand. You cannot have one without the other.
If the responsibility means a thing like our responsibility to leave the earth for our children, our descendants, and other species, I agree. Only human beings have such a power to be able to destroy the earth.
Of course it must go hand in hand, at the same time. I never stated things which neglect freedom.
But still, even if we sacrificed our freedom for stopping pollution, our next generation will be able to have chance of achieving freedom. The contrary is impossible. It is a matter of priority, in that context.
We have to talk about this seriously with priority for every user's sake. I have already suggested some solutions.
edit: I should have written "to leave the environment for..." instead of "the earth", and "a bet" rather than "solutions".
> "But still, even if we sacrificed our freedom for stopping pollution, our next generation will be able to have chance of achieving freedom."
If you give up individual freedom, you may never get it back. In the history of the world, the vast majority of the people have lived as slaves or "property" of a ruler. Only in the past ~300 years have individual freedoms and rights been fought for and protected.
>If you give up individual freedom, you may never get it back.
I don't understand why. I don't know if I can get it back or not. But I never said I give up my individual freedom. And I don't think we can always enjoy our that individual freedom despite there are the homeless. Not just homeless. The freedom would not have meaning if there are other people who are not free. If you can do it, there is no difference between you and a slave trader who can enjoy his life with the money which he got to sell slaves. It concerns with every human being. That is a problem of all of us.
You seem to be more familiar with history than me. So you might give priority to freedom. OK, you might do so, I would put priority over pollution some degree.
I feel still we are merely slaves of the system. Of course we can talk about it here. Thanks for freedom of speech. If it was a long time ago, I would have been murdered immediately as some people actually would desire.
And I think we human beings never faced with such serious environmental problems. I don't know how serious, because I have not that real feeling. It seems like things such as IME or spectre, meltdown.
Both freedom issues and pollution issues must be depressing our feelings very much without our consciousness. Because that is our daily life. The sense of crisis too. We would agree with it. Both important.
We all would agree with it. Let's proceed to the next step.
> So you might give priority to freedom. OK, you might do so, I would put priority over pollution some degree.
You will not gain victory over pollution by giving up your freedom. Historically, no one polluted as much as centralized, totalitarian governments, such as the USSR.
Oowa, I made a serious grammatical error. I guess you were able to make allowance for it correctly though.
○ I would give priority to the pollution issues to some degree.
I think I am missing something what you are talking about. What does that my individual freedom mean? The privileged one? The transferable one? About my iPhone VM?
> What does that my individual freedom mean? The privileged one? The transferable one? About my iPhone VM?
Freedom of speech. Freedom to practice the religion of your choice. Freedom to gather publicly and to protest. Freedom to publish your views in the press. Freedom from illegal search and seizures. Freedom from having to testify against yourself in a criminal proceeding, and freedom from inhumane treatment in jail. Freedom to have a lawyer represent you in court proceedings. Freedom to purchase and sell property, and to use property for your own interests without the government taking it from you.
Prior to the passage of the US Bill of Rights in 1791, most people in the world did not have these rights. Throughout history, the only way to have any rights was usually to be born into a noble family, or to be a rich property owner. Otherwise, you were probably considered a slave, or a servant, or some ruler's property.
These are natural-born rights of all people. Software freedom is the attempt to extend these rights to our use of computers, to the computer programs we write, and to the right to keep our own computer data private from government intrusion.
I think the meaning of freedom is equal to the meaning of anarchy. The perfect freedom means anarchy. At least I think we should decide it as the basis of the word "freedom". Anarchy means living of wildlife. So they are free, but just in some senses. The nature of the laws is to restrict our freedoms. The rights are based on the laws. So those are not natural-born rights of all people.
I have stated something like if all human beings have (certain kind of) common sense, I think we need not the laws. But if we realize the freedom worlds, at least we all must control our tanathos. I am talking about this idea very simply, properly speaking. If you guys give me indication of things of my speaking where seem to be unreasonable precisely as q and a, I would be able to supplement those imperfection since doubts or misunderstandings, but it seems that is difficult. I am trying to shorten my writing. Your above post was convincing. I thought like "I see, I was not enough aware of my freedoms." But I feel the necessity of clarifying the meaning of some words such as "freedom", or "rights". Because obviously free software movement concerns with those ideas inherently. I think we ought not to talk about those ideas without the consensus, right? But I feel serious difficulty to talk about that. But we only have languages...
However, more important thing is something practical. Actual measures, plans, stuff like that. The worst defect of our national football team was to forget the purpose, scoring. They were playing football to pass to each other. It is a fact. You can watch those games if you want to laugh. It was very improved but still sometimes they (including me!) forget the purpose, scoring. It is a joke. Brazilian would never do such football.
I mean, your post was convincing, at least it was important for me, but still the pollution issues seem to be more serious than freedom issues, especially about the computer freedom.
When microsoft bought github, when google hired coreboot developpers, when softbank bought arm, free software movement won. At least scored 9 or 10 points, in my opinion.
The rest is the matter of time. Of course we have respect for the enemies then we have to pour our full efforts to win until the end of the game. But shall not we give a bit of priorty to the pollution issues?
Because Japanese football players did not know if they will win, what will become good. So they gave priority to other things over victory. In 2010, they understood what had become good. Many players joined football clubs of Europe.
Brazilian knew what will be good, if they will win. I always think about common benefit. What you think is your freedom though.
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