Grip in Trisquel?

2 respostas [Última entrada]

I am a translator!

Joined: 07/27/2010

What do the devs say about grip?
Any chance it will be included in the repositories some time? A very sophisticated cd-ripper, that I like a lot.

When trying to install it from deb packages (either ubuntu or debian) GDebi tells me, some dependencies are not fulfilled. Does it have something to do with not including grip into the repos?


I am a member!

I am a translator!

Joined: 02/25/2010

If you're trying to install grip from the repositories of the newest version of Ubuntu, it might have dependencies that we don't yet have in ours. You'll have to use the one from the Ubuntu version that your version of Trisquel is based on. Even then, it might still depend on something we don't have for some reason. I don't really know. That said, I don't know why we don't have grip in our repositories.

As far as CD ripping goes, I use Asunder, and I like it a lot.


I am a translator!

Joined: 07/27/2010

Asunder is nice, but grip is better :P

Anyway, I added the debian-stable repository to the /etc/apt/sources.list and was able to install grip through aptitude just fine. Grip starts and warns me, that it is in fact a development version and I'm encouraged to return to the last stable, if something goes wrong. Since an important dependency (libkrb5-3-grip) was installed during the process, I'm now pretty sure the ubuntu .deb packages will install as well on my system.

This is what I written into my sources.list:

deb stable main contrib free

The update manager reports 38 updates now that I've done that, so I'm deleting the line asap to avoid mixing up Debian and Trisquel too much.