Has development on Trisquel 7 started?
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Ubuntu 14.04 Alpha 1 has been released and while it is an alpha release, has development on Trisquel 7 started since it will be based off of 14.04? Maybe it should start now so a release can come out within a month or two of the 14.04 release and not 6 months later.
Lol, I wouldn't hold my breath xD
Who actually develops it?
Rubén Rodríguez is the main developer of Trisquel.
Is he Spanish? It said that Trisquel was started in Spain on Distrowatch.
Does he use the forums? What is his username?
Rubén's nick in this forum is quidam [1] but he usually does not use the forum. And yes, he's from Spain.
Hmm, but Ruben is Armenian name. Is he an Armenian?
Rubén is also a Spanish name
What about the account called Trisquel ?
It's the administrator forum account, I think.
While I appreciate Rubén and his few friends making the git commits, I wish he would allow more people write access to the git. In this way bugs and ports such as this would be completed much faster. Some of the bugs are very easy to fix.
I think the way you normally help with Git is clone the repo, make your own fork, and then request a merge. I'm not intimately familiar with the process, but basically, you make your changes and then ask each time for the master branch to incorporate them.
Precisely - Patches to package helpers [0], etc. can be submitted to the trisquel-devel mailing list [1]. And yes, this means people making changes don't have commit access to the git repo but, from what I've been reading on these forums, not everyone necessarily believes in freedom or following the FSF's guidelines [2] so having changes get reviewed first is probably a good thing. So... it seems that people already have the ability to contribute. The issue, then, isn't one where people can't do things but more of people *actually* doing work.
[0] http://trisquel.info/en/wiki/package-helpers
[1] http://listas.trisquel.info/mailman/listinfo/trisquel-devel
[2] http://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
How many gigabytes is Trisquel's Git repo?
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