Having Trouble Installing Trisquel 6.0
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I'm trying to install Trisquel 6.0 on my computer, which has Windows 8 on it right now.
Every time I press enter to go ahead and install Trisquel: The screen freezes, and about 5 minutes later: Green numbers with a black background appear. Which say:
EDD Error 1888 Reading Sector 353663
EDD Error 1888 Reading Sector 353608
And so on. Other than the disc itself having a problem: I'm stumped.
I've also gone into the Setup menu and have disabled the SecureBoot(Tyranny) option, and have set the DVD Drive as the first device to boot from.
I bought the install disk from OnDisc.com, so there shouldn't be a problem with the disk.
Does anyone have an idea what is happening?
Thank You
Hi sorry to hear you having problems. I problably can not help you much but can you try to do a liveUSB from the disc you have? Then change model bios startup accordingly.
also, to help others that problably know more than myself understand better your problem please provide the make and model of your computer.
the domain ondisc.com does not exist. What made it trust worthy?
I'm using my new Avatar A10-Series APU, which I bought from Newegg.com. And it runs fine.
And I'll try using a USB for booting to see if there's something wrong with the DVD.
As for the domain ondisc.com not existing: I meant http://www.on-disk.com/, which is where Trisquel sells their boot discs. (Sorry about that.
There should be an option to check the integrity of the disk.
Try OSDisc.com next time - great quality with free worldwide shipping on orders of $20 or more.
https://www.osdisc.com/products/trisquel CD is $2.95
O.O Wow, thanks for the link. That's many orders better than On-Disc.com (Which charges $10 for the disc alone).
I'll also be downloading the .iso and saving it to my own discs as well.
Never mind, I found out what the problem was: My old computer had a 32-bit i386 architecture, and the new computer I'm using right now has a 64-bit AMD architecture. I bought the 32 bit version of Trisquel for my old computer, and tried to use it for my new one (The Trisquel DVD doesn't have that printed on the cover of it either).
ahhh, a 32bit version of Trisquel "should" install fine on a AMD64 machine... so I don't think that's the issue.
Nope, as it turns out: That's exactly what the problem was.
I downloaded the 64-bit version, burned it to a disc, went through the installer, and everything went fine.
That, or the DVD I bought from On-Disc.com was a bad one. I remember the owner of OnDisc recalling the disc that was originally going to be sent to me on account that something was wrong with it. Perhaps they didn't totally fix the problem.
Either way: Everything works fine now.
i'm glad it's working. but i still doubt it was an issue with the 32 vs 64 bit installer. amd64 can take either i686 or AMD64, the reverse it not true.
I would try downloading a fresh iso from below. I think it could be a defective disc:
I would recommend making your own disks with good quality blanks.
And at low speeds.
Thanks Everyone for your advice and support. I was able to successfully install Trisquel 6, and everything's running fine.
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