How do i setxkbmap se de caps_toggle?

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Joined: 07/12/2012

Hello there.
Everyting was working fine, and then i started to use Duolingo to learn german.
I'm Swedish so I have the se keybord witch offers me the ü by pressing first the button "^~ and then u, and i have the öä and the AltGr+S gives me ß, but thous ü are really anoying me.

The keybord i have is a Qpad MK-50. Layout is a se pc105 with a Fn button to toggle F1 mute, F2 volume up, F3 volume down and F4 play/pause. Link

I read through the forum and found that I should use setxkbmap, so I do.

If I do a simple one I loose my arrowkeys, page up/down and Fn so on, witch is a bummer:

setxkbmap -option 'grp:caps_toggle' 'se,de'

This next one does not give me the capslock toggle, and I have tried lots of variations, and read documentation and checked every config file. Anyway my Fn button does not control my F1 mute, F2 volume up, F3 volume down and F4 play/pause anymore, how do I get that back?

setxkbmap -keycodes evdev+aliases -types complete -compat complete -symbols pc+se+inet -geometry pc -option 'grp:caps_toggle' 'se,de' -rules xfree86

Thanks on advance for your help.


I am a translator!

Joined: 01/11/2011

Maybe caps is already used by something else, try grp: alt_shift_toggle instead.

Joined: 07/12/2012

Thanks but, Nope, its someting else, i think it is with the -symbols flag.. but without it i do not get my full keybord..