How do you use GNU/Linux ?

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Joined: 04/21/2016

What is the main use you have for your GNU/Linux? Games, work, school? What is the software you use the most?

Personally I use it mostly for study and work.

I use Emacs, and the more I learn about it, the more I can't live without it. I have dropped LibreOffice, Hexchat, Terminal, some internet browsing, eventually I think I will only use Emacs. :) The way is meant to be.

For the web: IceCat, Firefox, and Epihany.

For mail: Evolution, recently tried ClawsMail but it lacked integration with GTK theme so I went back to Evolution.

Images: Inkscape whenever I need to do anything with an image I try to use inkscape if possible. If not, I use GIMP.

Games: Hedgewars :P lots of it :)
Joined: 07/03/2016

What do I use GNU/Linux for? Everything! In other words, largely school, web browsing, and just to try and break it. Unfortunately, there's a large amount of crossover between these- it's less than 24 hours since I set up Trisquel 8 Flidas to be my school OS, which was less than ideal considering it won't connect to the Internet via wi-fi. In my defense, that wasn't discovered for a little while.

In terms of the software selection, I largely use whatever distros carry by default: as an operational pre-alpha user, it doesn't take a lot to get comfortable with a given piece of software. That said, there are a few necessities I have:

*LibreOffice: Although a new office suite would be good, I'm yet to find a distro with anything other than it or the rather limited AbiWord/Gnumeric setup.

*Tor Browser- self-explanatory, I'm sure.

*Calibre [E-book Reader/Library]- A wonderful tool in general. If nothing else, the system of tag-based organization is something which sets an interesting precedent for modern computing.

*Duplicity [Back-up]- A utility which does its job well. Even if it's not the best, I see no reason to switch at present.

*KeePass2 [Password Manager]- As with duplicity.

*Anki [Flash-Card Software]- Frankly, I believe this is the most undervalued software I've found in my short life. I'm not sure there's statistics to show it does anything, but the feel-good factor is justification enough for me.

Joined: 04/21/2016

Interesting :) have you used Calligra??

But maybe you will benefit from learning to use LyX (I wish I knew about it when I was on school) or if you want to make your life even better perhaps learning LaTeX :)

WYSIWYG editors are good for a quick document but not in the long term.
I thin everybody should be taught LaTex not dumb word.

Is so much better to work with Lyx after all.

Joined: 12/10/2013

I use LO for simpler documents, but LaTeX for more complicated stuff, especially anything involving math.

Mangy Dog

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Joined: 03/15/2015

How do i use GNU/Linux ?

Too much in fact, for someone who spent most of his life outdoor and about in nature...damn, it's a bug that grows on you and slowly cripples you in front of a screen like a dried up fossilized do you get rid of it...??? help...haha..ha

help me not love it ?

Actually very interested in the "Build"process such as Librepups Woof-CE-Libre, i find the ability of a distribution to offer the possibility to clone, build your own version ..just simly fantastic and doing that respecting Freedom is even better

* Recently discovered Ranger ( Command line Text based File Manager ) in Trisquelito repo ,-)

psst! i'm no geek either


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Joined: 10/31/2014

>How do you use GNU/Linux ?

Furiously.. like a cat with catnip.

Mangy Dog

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Joined: 03/15/2015

UUUUuuuuMMMmmiiiaaaaaaaaw !


Joined: 04/21/2016

Yes I have that bug, although, I never expended that much time outside.

But after discovering GNU/Linux my life changed for the better :)

So no I won't help you to stop loving it. ;)

Joined: 11/11/2014

How I do my computing.

Actually I'm using GNOME 3 (Instead of Flashback) now and curious to try MATE when We'll have final release of Trisquel 8 :)

Mangy Dog

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Joined: 11/11/2014

No, I've not any contact with FSF India yet. Actually I really want/wish contact with FSF India. I am trying to contact them but not getting respoce satisfactorily. I think we should discuss this personally or through mail rather than through this forum. (How do I...?)

Mangy Dog

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Joined: 03/15/2015

Hi Pandya
I just sent you an email ;-)

Joined: 05/30/2012


Most of my computing is either game development (usually programming and level design) or writing. I do play some games once in a while, but nowhere near as much as I used to, and even then, they're usually my own games.

Joined: 04/21/2016

Where do you program and where do you write :) ?

Joined: 05/30/2012


Naturally, at home. ;)

I assume you probably mean to ask what programs I use. It depends. I prefer gedit for text editing, level design is different for each game (e.g. Tiled for Hexoshi and the MegaGlest Map Editor for MegaGlest), and most of the stuff I write is on websites or in emails, so that would be Firefox and Thunderbird (or variants of them). Nothing exciting, really.

Joined: 04/21/2016

:) hope he starts soon, he is really nice.

At least tell us what is your novel about and where are you writing it?

Joined: 06/10/2010

In my case I install inside my *trisquel 8 flidas the following :

$ I sweat apt install texmaker

Afterwards did a búsqueda :

$ aptitude search texlive

Then knew to choose packages that contain : contex
Were 75 the packages that escojo , but maybe any of you choose another type of packages of the busqueda previous .

Joined: 04/24/2013

I use GNU/Linux to securely access online banking to pay bills to my ISP, electricity, property tax, garbage collection, and occasionally reserve/buy airline tickets. I use the built-in abrowser fitted with no-script. After installing gcc/g++ I have written short binary utilities such as pipes which need not be installed to execute. These utilities, utilizing user supplied command-line args rearrange tab delimited columns to user specified order. The output of shell built-ins can be changed, for the purpose of field sorting and or production of padded output of numeric quantities and tallies for easier viewing. For example two binaries order and tally (the first arg restricts output to maximum number of lines before terminating)
du -b -d1 . | order 99 2 1 | sort | order 99 2 1 | tally 99 1 2
----------449076--------./myMY environmentVariables

If any of this is interests anyone, I will attempt set up a site where to post the source code.

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

I am not quite sure I understand the purpose of your program. Notice however the existence of the 'column' command to pretty-format tables, of the 'head' command to selects the first lines, and here is a short AWK program to select and reorder columns from the standard input (the order is $1, which can be '3,4,5,6,7,1,10', for instance):
awk -v order=$1 'BEGIN { n = split(order, o, ",") } { for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) printf $o[i] " "; print "" }'

Joined: 03/12/2016

On my GNU operating system, programs are used for:

- email sorting, indexing, searching by using as that way I am not using Google or other free email providers, but have my own search engine, updated every day at 10 a.m.

- CRM - customer relationship management, where all conversation of customers is reviewed by mutt and their emails are saved under their email address in name at domain

- WRS - website revision system, by using Lisp programming language, the CLISP implementation by which I am creating multiple websites, editing the Markdown and Org pages by GNU Emacs, and storing it all in PostgreSQL database, to publish statically generated pages online.

- ERP - business management, invoicing, accounting and similar.

- sales funnel process, by which follow-up email sequence is sent to leads and prospects, depending to which group they belong.

- Office - GNU Emacs again. I have no LibreOffice on computer, although I think should I or should I not. Gnumeric handles my spreadsheet needs, and GNU Emacs all my letter writing, while LaTeX and Inkscape I can use for creation of flyers, pamphlets and similar advertising.

I am using GNU operating system since 1999.

Joined: 04/24/2013

Re: Wed, 05/24/2017 - 14:53 Thank-you, again, Magic Banana, for being available, this time promptly pointing out alternatives to running my sample binary which is still needed to solve the following issues:
1) For some reason, according to the man page, the column command has a restriction "BUG" of a maximum of 1024 chars per line. (I use realloc for any oversized fields encounterd on-the-fly in my binary).
2) Trying your awk example works nicely as long as there is no additional whitespace in supplementary fields such as "myMY environmentVariables" in my messy example above that sorts (and redundantly tallies tallied) tab-delimited du -d1 output. (It has eluded me how to post aligned text for greater illustrative clarity in this forum). I am not sure how to modify calls to the split command to recognize IFS for the tab delimiter, and how to instruct awk to output the content of quoted strings "$o[i]" whereas in bash scripts this already works.
3) I agree that using the head command instead of cluttering a binary with unnecessary args is a better way to restrict output, it simply was left over when fearing possible reads after end of file from standard input in the binary. My experience in writing pipes is still rather tentative.

Any suggestions, workarounds?

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010
  1. Do you really have to format lines with more than 1024 characters? It is a lot.
  2. AWK accepts any regular expression to delimit the fields (i.e., the columns) of the records (the lines by default). The regular expression can be specified with the -F option. By default, the separator is one or more spacing character (space or tab). If you want it to be one single tab (two consecutive tabs then means there is an empty field in between), then call AWK in this way: awk -F '\t' ... If the separation of columns is different, I can probably help you write the proper regular expression. For tab-separared fields in the output you can simply concatenate a tab ("\t") instead of a space. In the 'printf' I used: printf $o[i] "\t"
  3. 'head' can only output lines it is given. If the input does not have the number of lines that you ask for, the whole input will be displayed. Nothing more.
Joined: 04/24/2013

I have verified the following in a script and it really works. Thanks again Magic Banana!

awk -F '\t' -v order=$1 'BEGIN { n = split(order, o, ",") } { for ( i = 1; i <= n; ++i) printf $o[i] "\t"; print "" }'

Indeed I have files where I need to ignore multiple tabs and am quite happy to use the self made binary then. Moving on..

Indeed, I have many other uses of GNU/Linux. For example, evince opens .pdf (portable document format) invoice files from which I select all and then copy/paste to plain text. Then using sed -n '1,10p;10q' $1 for example, I will get the first 10 lines. I do not know how to do this without literals. I would like to use variables when calling sed multiple times in a script, avoiding editing each literal tediously in a script, whenever an invoice document has subtle changes in item ordering.

Any suggestions?

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

Again, 'head' will show you the first lines at input. 10 lines actually is its default, i.e., to show the first ten line of the file "file":
$ head file

The arguments of a Shell script are read with $1 (first argument of the script), $2, $3, etc. For example if the script needs to keep the first x lines of "file", x can be the first argument of the script and you write:
$ head -$1 file

I find 'sed' programs horrible to read. Who does not?! I would advise you to learn AWK. It is an extremely simple programming language, a mix of C, Shell and 'sed'. Passing arguments to AWK is easy thanks to the -v option, which I used in the one-liner I gave you.

To learn AWK, you may find useful. You may want to read as well (basic text-processing commands such as 'head'), ('grep') and (the basics of 'sed', basically the sole 's' command). is a good introduction to the Shell but the "STANDARD FILES" section should definitely not be at the beginning of the manual (it is advanced material). Also, the "PIPING" is pretty important for text-processing: it should not be considered "ADVANCED-ISH".

The data for the small exercises in the slides still are online, along with the solutions (do not directly look at them: searching for the solution is essential to learn):

Joined: 01/09/2013

How do you use GNU/Linux ?

lets see an appropriate answer.

Software better than microshit...
and obviously if that does not work with toilet paper made by Microshit....