How to install Trisquel 8 in Libreboot SSD without GRUB
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Hey guys,
So I finally got an SDD for my Libreboot T400. I wish to replace my HDD with the new one, so I will have to install Trisquel 8 from scratch. However, I wonder how is the best / easiest way to do it.
My understanding is that if I remove the HDD, put the SSD in place, and use a USB drive to install Trisquel 8 normally in the SSD (WITH FULL DISK ENCRYPTION) I will have to mess around with the grub configuration file so it will be able boot the system, right?
Since I am at it, I would like to NOT install the Trisquel 8 GRUB and simply use the one provided with Libreboot as that will be probably slightly faster on boot. However I am unsure if I can use the standard Trisquel 8 installation USB to do so.
Anyone who can provide advice is welcome ;)
There is a guide.
Yes, there is. And I had read it, but for some reason failed to understand the GRUB part of it. Now I read it again and I actually understood it. Sorry to bother, and thanks.
One question, the guide doesn't mention it, if you choose to install the Trisquel 8 GRUB, will you still have to mess around with the grub.cfg file later on? Thanks.
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