How to uninstall default windows manager (Trisquel-mini)

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Joined: 08/03/2018


I don't need desktop environments, so I removed lxde (I want work only with i3wm). but I have no idea to how to remove ((default)) windows manager of trisquel mini (mate).

sudo apt-get remove

doesn't work...

do you have any idea?


Joined: 02/17/2016

If you want to start in text-mode and then start your favourite window manager.

'sudo nano /etc/default/grub'
#replace 'splash' with 'text' -->


Uncomment this line (remove #)


'sudo update-grub'


'sudo systemctl set-default'

Reboot and you should drop to text prompt. Log in, give password and 'startx'.

Add line 'exec i3' (without quotes, as user, not root, in your home folder (~/ that is home/user) -->

$ nano .xinitrc

Then 'startx' will initiate and start i3wm

Joined: 05/30/2012

MATE is not the DE of Trisquel-Mini.

Are you trying to remove the window manager of Trisquel Mini? That would be OpenBox. Anyway, if you don't see it, there's usually no reason to remove something even if you don't need it.

Joined: 08/03/2018

In addition to Mate, Trisquel mini has also openbox and lxde. I've deleted these two items before.
The question came to me about why the default desktop will not be deleted.
Given that Trisquel is a completely free operating system, so I must have the right to remove softwares that I don't need them.

Joined: 05/30/2012

No, not in addition, instead. MATE is found only in the regular version of Trisquel, not in Trisquel-Mini.

> The question came to me about why the default desktop will not be deleted.

Are you talking about the Trisquel-Mini entry in the display manager (login screen)? If you're still seeing that, it would be because you haven't removed the package that provides it.

What do you get with this command?

aptitude search "~i trisquel"

> Given that Trisquel is a completely free operating system, so I must have the right to remove softwares that I don't need them.

Please don't insinuate that Trisquel is forcing you to keep packages installed. It doesn't have the power to do that, nor does it try to. If you still see something you have no use for, that's just because you haven't removed the package that provides it.

If you're so concerned about having an environment with no trace of LXDE or Trisquel-Mini, you went about your installation the wrong way. Rather than installing these things and then hunting down what packages to remove, you should have done a net-install and not installed trisquel-mini to begin with.

But nothing is stopping you from hunting down the package that is providing whatever it is that you don't need. Or just deleting the files, even.

Joined: 08/03/2018

Your answer was very accurate, You are right...
I found the solution.
Thank you so much