How To: Using Gnome Network Manager with NordVPN's OpenVPN configs

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Joined: 07/25/2017

I found the documentation for this process Severely Lacking, and this was an unnecessarily frustrating setup. Here is the answer to anyone who is having a hard time configuring the gnome openvpn network-manager with NordVPN (this is how I got it to work, ymmv):

Using Gnome Network Manager with NordVPN:

1) Download 2 files from the "Downloads area" after you login to your account:
a) .OVPN configuration files
b) CA and TLS Certificates File
(*Rather than keeping these in your Downloads directory, you probably want to save these somewhere where you can refer to them again, such as ~/Documents/ )

2) click on nm-applet --> VPN Connections --> Configure VPN

3) Click Add button --> Dropdown list, select "Import a saved VPN configuration" then click "Create"

4) Navigate to the location of the .ovpn configuration files. Locate the server you wish to use and select it.
(*NB: most people try to use a udp connection, you may need to use tcp in some circumstances like if your connection blocks the udp port 1194).

5) Under the VPN tab (you should be there already by default), under the Authentication heading, select "Password" (not password with certificates, just password).

6) Insert your NordVPN username and password where indicated

7) Click on CA Certificate. Navigate to the location of the CA and TLS certificates file that you saved earlier. Select the same server you picked in step 4, and click "Open".

****Pay attention to these next steps, they are Required****

8) Click on the IPV6 Tab and select IGNORE. Nord only uses IPV4

9) Back under the VPN tab, Click on the Advanced button. The .ovpn configuration file will have pre-populated most of this, and leave those settings alone.

10) Click on the TLS Authentication Tab. Select "Use Additional TLS Authentication".

11) Click on "Key File" and again navigate to your saved CA and TLS file from earlier. Select the same server name that you picked earlier. Click OK.

12) Set Key Direction to 1

*******I believe this is optional, but if you have DNS problems this may solve it******

13) Under IPv4 Settings tab, you can enter the following additional NordVPN DNS servers:
Additional DNS servers:
Additional search domains:

Click Save.

Your new vpn connection should now be selectable by clicking on the network manager applet and navigating to the dropdown list of VPN Connections.

Joined: 07/25/2017

Umm. Step 1 requires that you use a browser to log into your NordVPN account online, not your computer's user account... seems self-evident, but...

Joined: 07/25/2017

more notes:

On step 11, you are selecting the .key file.

If your connection does not work, go to the NordVPN website here:
make sure that your selected server is listed as a normal VPN server that is not At or Near capacity (I have not tried this with double VPN, Onion, or other flavors of their VPNs)

If things are still not connecting, try logging out/in.


I am a translator!

Joined: 10/31/2014

Good for you. :)
Mind to add this to the documentation? , all manuals, search for the most proper section to add it in..

Joined: 07/25/2017

I'd be happy to help- how do I add things to documentation?


I am a translator!

Joined: 10/31/2014

It's a wiki, it is open to all members of the forum AFAIK. Look for 'add child page'.