IceCat and Duckduckgo country version

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Joined: 03/08/2012

I can't see the result if I search something with IceCat by the Duckduckgo's web page with country version on, for example "gnu" ( while I can see a list of link if I use the "Search bar": ( but without country searching.

Joined: 06/29/2013

Greetings mister Gnu.

I think Icecat uses the non-javascript version of Duckduckgo and that the settings are handled in a different way. But don' worry my friend, Duckduckgo is more powerful than it seems: the search engine support the same and more operators than the search engine whose name have a "G" at the beginning.

To activate the region search without javascript you can use the operator "r" in the search bar; for example:

emacs r:uk

This will search for emacs in the United Kingdom. You can replace "uk" with "es" for Spain, "de" for Germany and so on.

For more information about this syntax, look here:

There are more advance operators available than the ones listed there so I invite you to try the ones from the search engine with the "G" in its name.

Tell us how it works or if I answered correctly the question you were asking.

Thank you and have a nice day.