installed Thunderbird in terminal but I don't see it
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I typed into the terminal:
sudo apt-get instlal thunderbird
and hit Enter. But I can't find this program to launch it. Any ideas?
The package name might be icedove.
Are you on Trisquel 7 or 8?
On 8 I have a number of times experienced, that installed programs do not appear until loging out and in again.
>sudo apt-get instlal thunderbird
>On 8 I have a number of times experienced, that installed programs do not appear until loging out and in again.
Nasty time wasting bug and you should report it.
I will take advantage of my interjection to promote claws-mail, aka there_can_not_be_better_mail_client \o/
If I may interject, you are referring to GNU/there_can_not_be_better_mail_client, or as I've taken to calling it recently, NeoMutt+vimkeybindings.

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