installing apps with app get?.

8 respostas [Última entrada]
Joined: 05/25/2015

Hello Community; I m completely new to this OS and to linux and I m taking a look at the add-remove aplications menu. I got many questions about how installing programs and applications on my computer.

1. typing sudo apt-get install package_name on a terminal will be enough to get an app?. How does it works around here?, I mean this command works under this OS, or there´s something different on Trisquel?.

2. I wanted to try a program I cannot see in the add-remove applications menu. I ve seen video editor "Openshot", which seems cool to me but I fail to see other linux video editors like "Cinelerra". This means that maybe those programs I cannot see are not free software and will be rejected by the OS ?. How could I check if a concrete program is following or not free software principles?. I understand that Trisquel will reject all kind of linux software that does not follow free software principles . Am I right?. How does it works?., installation cancels?, not accepted program will not open up?. It just does not downloads from repositories?.

3. If I want to check if FFmpeg is installed or not on my machine, how could I do it from terminal?.

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg would be enough for installing this program in case is not?.

Thanks in advance to those who could answer something back!. Help very appreciated. Regards.

Joined: 12/05/2014

"1. typing sudo apt-get install package_name on a terminal will be enough to get an app?. How does it works around here?, I mean this command works under this OS, or there´s something different on Trisquel?."

so most gnu/linux distros such as trisquel have repo's
to make it easy to install programs
(you can install programs using other methods but this is the easiest)

so when you type for example apt-get install pacman
you are downloading the program pacman from the repo's
and then installing it

you can check were your downloading your programs from
by typing
nano /etc/apt/sources.list

there a bit more to it than that buts this is a simple explanation

also you can use graphical programs to do the same thing
like trisquels add/remove programs program

or synaptic package manager

i am not sure why this isnt in the repo's
maby noone knew about it..?

but its under the gpl
and i just compiled it sucsessfully
so i reccomend compiling it from source:

and if you need help doing so just ask

type ffmpeg -h

or use the synaptic package manager

"I understand that Trisquel will reject all kind of linux software that does not follow free software principles . Am I right?"

you can install non-free software on trisquel its
just that the hole point of using the distro is its fully free
so there are no non-free programs in the repo's

Joined: 05/30/2012

The "aptitude show" command lists information about a package, including whether or not it's installed. For example, "aptitude show icecat".

Note that FFmpeg is not in the repos. This is because it's been replaced with avconv, a fork of FFmpeg (its package is libav-tools).

Joined: 08/13/2014

I see that tomlukeywood has answered the orignal questions, in addition:

It is not “app get”, it's “apt-get”, as you wrote correctly in the message body. APT stands for “Advanced Packaging Tool”. “app” is ostensibly a shorthand for “application”, but in practice it is a marketing trash word (“buzzword”) roughly synonym with “computer program”; used especially by proprietary software developers. I guess it's also another way of making fun of the ignorant clients who happily surrender their computing rights and hand their personal information to them (the developers).

We have been using “computer program” for decades and it works perfectly, it means what it says. On the other hand, “app” is sloppy language, because the speaker doesn't ever bothers to write the full word, which is usually incorrect anyway. In informatics, an application is a generic way in which technology may be put to use, for instance, the world wide web, e-mail, optical character recognition, peer to peer file sharing, and so on are applications. Implementations thereof are not applications but computer programs.

According to Wikipedia, “app” is a shorthand for “application software”, which is such as vague concept so as to be nearly useless (There is no clear boundary between “operating system” and “application software”, any one would be arbitrary).


I am a translator!

Joined: 10/31/2014



aptitude search is a very useful command too.

Joined: 05/30/2012

Honestly, apt-cache search is more powerful. aptitude search only searches package names, apt-cache search searches everything in the package. (I do find aptitude search useful, but mostly because I tend to already know most of the package name.)

Joined: 06/30/2013

I suggest you use "sudo aptitude install" instead of "apt-get" because it have been proven to be better at handling flags and dependencies.

Joined: 05/13/2010

Hello & welcome arcu!

>I fail to see other linux video editors like "Cinelerra". This means that maybe those programs I cannot see are not free software and will be rejected by the OS ?.

There is a lot of free software that is not in the Trisquel repositories. The reason is usually that those are not in upstream. (ubuntu, debian) Somebody has to package them (which is the easy part) and then maintain them (which is the hard part). Installing packages outside of repos can be easy or challenging.

>How could I check if a concrete program is following or not free software principles?.

You need to look at whether you're given a license and if yes, whether it is a free software license. (By default programs are proprietary.) The FSF has a list of popular licenses at

>I understand that Trisquel will reject all kind of linux software that does not follow free software principles . Am I right?. How does it works?., installation cancels?, not accepted program will not open up?. It just does not downloads from repositories?.

Linux is a kernel, GNU/Linux is the entire operating system. Trisquel consists entirely of free software, that's why it is here. All programs in the repositories are free. (And as mentioned, you can install proprietary software if you want but that would be pointless.)

>3. If I want to check if FFmpeg is installed or not on my machine, how could I do it from terminal?.

>sudo apt-get install ffmpeg would be enough for installing this program in case is not?.

One command would be apt-cache policy ffmpegThat apt-get command would install it, unless it's already installed in which case it would tell you so.

Joined: 05/25/2015

Hi thanks a lot for all your comments, Sure I ll try compiling a program from the source. Once again, thanks for your little help.