Intellectual Pooperty Law
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I just wanted to share with you a very recommendable little comic book making fun of all the absurdities of what is called "intellectual property law".
It's not directly related with trisquel or the free software movement, but the topic is very closely related with our concerns, so I hope it fits in this forum.
The book was found by a kickstarter campaign.
It can be bought in a printed format or accessed for free:
I think it's under a free licence; sharing is welcome.
If you like it and you can afford paying some money, please make a donation or buy the printed book.
Personally, I will write it on my list for birthday presents.
I have a few copies of that (5, I think). It's taken from the much larger Mimi and Eunice series:
Hehe, love these. They always make me laugh because they're so to the point. Oh the absurdity of our current regime...
Perhaps better to link here so people can see the actual license (cc-by-sa 3.0)
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