Its time to nominate your free software hero(s)!

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Joined: 10/12/2014

FSF is inviting nominations for the 18th annual Free Software Awards opened at LibrePlanet 2015, right after the most recent Free Software Awards were presented[1].

This is a great opportunity to publicly recognize people and projects that have inspired you. Send your nominations to name at domain by November 1st, 2015 at 23:59 UTC.


Joined: 03/12/2015

I voted for Francis Rowe, the comrade behind Libreboot and Minifree :)

Joined: 12/05/2014


Joined: 07/19/2015

Francis did the most important things for use some laptops fully free.

Joined: 07/19/2015

Richard Stallman, and Francis Rowe. Thanks to Francis, everyone can have a computer without proprietary BIOS/EFI (I hate it).

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

Write an extensible text editor (like GNU Emacs), a compiler (like GCC), a debugger (like GDB), a build automator (like GNU make), many coreutils (such as 'cat', 'comm', 'diff', 'dir', 'rm', 'split', 'tee', 'uniq'), etc. and then you can troll rms.

Joined: 05/30/2012

I don't agree with all of RMS's views, but that doesn't mean he's a "troll". It means he's a human who, like all other humans, has a complex set of beliefs.

Joined: 08/22/2013

So you could explain how is that if I call Richard Stallman a troll (and that's my opinion as you have yours and we can discuss that) and if I call a user of trisquel a troll my messages got hidden by the spammersbegonetool (which its purpose is for spamming) and if someone that belongs to the trisqueltrollsquad like moxalt calls me a troll and his message got +1? You can see the message here

There's only free of speech in the Trisquel English forum for the members of the trisqueltrollsquad (onpon4, magicbanana, moxalt, Sup3rTramp, lembas, plus others).

This doesn't happen on the Spanish forum because the only member of the trisqueltrollsquad there is sup3rtramp

If you want to sum any arguments against an idea or another argument you click on reply. Period. If you hid the message that your replying means youre censorship it and also others users can't see to WHAT are you replying at. So that means you're only trying to impose your argument/idea.

Magic Banana

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I am a translator!

Joined: 07/24/2010

Here is what you wrote (entire post):

Richard Stallman is a satanic troll. Does he program? I'm pretty sure he forgot howta do it.

This ad-hominem attack is entirely gratuitous. It is not backed by any fact (quite the opposite given the impressive amount of software rms wrote). And it does not contain any single argument.

Yet you expect the users of this form to "sum arguments" against your post?! What about applying your rule to your own posts?

You are certainly free to write whatever you want on your own sites. is not yours. It is the site of a community that is entitled to its own guidelines. Moderation is not censorship. And, here, it is not in the hand of a "squad" but left to the community as a whole through the -1/+1 system.

For the record, I have not -1/+1 any post in this thread.

hack and hack
Joined: 04/02/2015

Freedom of speech isn't an easy task:

Fortunately, calling people trolls and other names (ad-hominem indeed) and not backing it up is what you often did these days, so I can't say I would defend that.

But I can see why you're bothered by the upvote/downvote system without a proper reply though, because it's essentially the same problem.
Minus the fact that the MAJORITY of downvotes (even without replies) are justified (calling names in general is a bad habit, specially when there's no argument with it).
But I can agree that it's a bad habit, and can lead to unjustified censorship,
though it's nothing that can't be solved by another post that would clear the misunderstanding.

Joined: 08/22/2013

"though it's nothing that can't be solved by another post that would clear the misunderstanding."
No one asked for that. not a single user asked for any argumentation (that I have).

"calling people trolls and other names (ad-hominem indeed) and not backing it up is what you often did these days"
Sorry, but I think I did that only in this thread. And yes , that's not good but I'm doing it on purpose simply to show that some "exclusive" users have the right to say anything including call someone a troll like moxalt did WHILE there is the majority of users who CANNOT DO SUCH.

So, as you say, freedom of speech it's not easy so there are limitations to try to achieve that. In the English trisquel forum those limitation DOES NOT APPLY to users like lembas, onpon4, MagicBanana, moxalt, etc. Thus, it is censure made by themselves.

Also, an ad-hominem attack is when you use a human being as an argument (on this case) and I didn't do that. In fact, as MagicBanana said I didn't sum up ANY ARGUMENT. So, there CANNOT be an ad-hominem attack.
Simply making statements without an argument doesn't mean you don't have one and the downvotes didn't have any arguments.
For example: onpon4 said he doesn't agree with Richard Stallman being a troll. Then he sums up an argument for that. However, think what would happened if he wouldn't have summed up an argument... Read it:
Is that an ad-hominem attack? Because a positive adjetive/noun is used doesn't mean it is an attack. That applies to negative ones too.

The same users replying to me because of calling Richard Stallman a troll didn't reply to moxalt's post in which he calls me a troll and also that post was not downvoted but UPVOTED. U can see? There is not free of speech on trisquel's English forum because the way this users act.

ps: also they try to deceive other users. For example, I said that this users are not suited for a moderation job but MagicBanana replies saying that moderation is not bad as if I said that moderation is bad or wrong.

hack and hack
Joined: 04/02/2015

No one asked for that?
You should be the one concerned about bringing clarifications about your statements.

Ad-hominem: means responding to arguments by attacking a person's character, rather than addressing the content of their arguments.

Sure, most users (if not all) didn't reply to moxalt calling you a troll. Why, you ask? I don't know your whole posting history, but I can tell that calling names several times in a row (even if only in this thread) and being called a troll isn't incompatible.
And believe me, when you'll see a real troll posting here, no one will disagree with you calling him or her a troll.

I fail to see an injustice here.

Joined: 05/30/2012

Funny, your idea of what free speech is reminds me of the crazy lady in this video I saw yesterday:

In fact, moxalt didn't just call you a troll, he included a speculation that you might be a troll given how absurd your post he was responding to was. But even if your narrative was correct, that still wouldn't mean you lack freedom of speech. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from dissent.

Joined: 06/19/2015

> Sorry, but I think I did that only in this thread.


> I'm doing it on purpose simply to show that some 'exclusive' users have the
> right to say anything including call someone a troll like moxalt did

Cool experiment. You've neglected the fact that acting like a troll (surprise
suprise) will get you *treated as a troll*. That's all you've demonstrated,
for all your supposed 'free speech' campaign, and the miraculous 'revelation'
of the 'conspiracy' behind trisquel-users: the so-called 'trisquel troll
squad'. What happened here was that you acted like a troll. You were promptly
dealt with as a troll.

And since when was I an 'exclusive' user of any kind? I'm a relatively recent
addition to the Trisquel community, and not exactly some sort of respected sage
or something.

Can you end your experiment already, and regain some modicum of the
sliver of decency you previously possessed?

> I didn't sum up ANY ARGUMENT.

True. An actual argument would be welcome, as opposed to making baseless
assertions and just generally acting in a very troll-like manner. Then we could
just debunk whatever idiotic argument you come up with for your 'experiment'
instead of calling troll.

> The same users replying to me because of calling Richard Stallman a troll
> didn't reply to moxalt's post in which he calls me a troll.

That's called democracy. The vast majority of people here (myself included) do
not agree that Richard Stallman is a troll. They thus defended rms and attacked
your position. On the other hand, it seems the majority consider my 'troll'
analysis as valid.

Joined: 08/22/2013

So you could explain how is that if I call Richard Stallman a troll (and that's my opinion as you have yours and we can discuss that) and if I call a user of trisquel a troll my messages got hidden by the spammersbegonetool (which its purpose is for spamming) and if someone that belongs to the trisqueltrollsquad like moxalt calls me a troll and his message got +1? You can see the message here
There's only free of speech in the Trisquel English forum for the members of the trisqueltrollsquad (onpon4, magicbanana, moxalt, Sup3rTramp, lembas, plus others).
This doesn't happen on the Spanish forum because the only member of the trisqueltrollsquad there is sup3rtramp
If you want to sum any arguments against an idea or another argument you click on reply. Period. If you hid the message that your replying means youre censorship it and also others users can't see to WHAT are you replying at. So that means you're only trying to impose your argument/idea.

Joined: 08/22/2013

What do the programs he wrote has to do anything with me calling him a troll? He is a troll as u can read his posts on GNU social. Period. If you don't like my opinion ,you, member of the trisqueltrollsquad, have the right to not allow others to express themselves. Enjoy it, cause I'll be reporting it.

Joined: 05/26/2014

Social networks are inconvenient for me; I don't directly use any.
My postings on GNU Social are generated from
and I write them in emails.


Joined: 05/13/2010

Take your medication and do some reading before making statements like that.

Joined: 08/22/2013

Who needs the medication ? Clearly YOU lembasswholelottaluv

Of this plus other shit from members of the trisqueltrollsquad like u and magicbanana I'll taking note to report this as not free of speech on Trisquel forums. Trisqueltrollsquad is not suitable for a moderation program.

Joined: 06/19/2015

What. The. Fuck.

I never expected this from you, contactame+antiesnob. Have you finally snapped?
Has someone hacked your account? Or were you a closet troll all along?

Joined: 08/22/2013

Hi, daddy.

Are you a troll?

Joined: 06/19/2015


Wait... are you an antiesnob alt?

Edit: Oh. Nevermind. You just changed your e-mail. Such is life for us mailing list users... :(

I had to log in to check.

Joined: 06/19/2015

Double post.

Joined: 08/22/2013

Who needs the medication ? Clearly YOU lembasswholelottaluv
Of this plus other shit from members of the trisqueltrollsquad like u and magicbanana I'll taking note to report this as not free of speech on Trisquel forums. Trisqueltrollsquad is not suitable for a moderation program.

Joined: 08/22/2013

Richard Stallman is a satanic troll. Does he program? I'm pretty sure he forgot howta do it.

Joined: 08/11/2014

Probably Paul Kocialkowski- what he and the other Replicant developers are doing is vital to the free software movement.

Joined: 08/22/2013

Rubén Rodríguez

Phuk all the others LOL

Joined: 01/18/2014

I voted for rms

Joined: 10/12/2014

You got it in the wrong way, dude.

Current FSF staff and board members, as well as award committee members, are not eligible. So you cannot have Richard M Stallman as a nominee.

Well, I was impressed by Francis for the Libreboot Project and Paul for the Replicant Project; In fact Ruben is also an eligible candidate since he is involved in the development and maintenance of GNU IceCat along with the Trisquel GNU/Linux project.

So I'm really confused; They all are doing an excellent job!!

Picking one is a real challenge for me.

Joined: 08/22/2013

Thumbs up 4 u [°|°]

Joined: 06/19/2015

This is such a difficult decision- I'm tied between Ruben and Francis.

A question- would advancing the Trisquel GNU+Linux distribution be considered
for the Advancement of Free Software (self-explanatory) or Social Benefit
(putting a really high quality free-as-in-freedom distribution into the hands
of consumers in the name of the FSF)?

I can't really see either being possibly construed as for Social Benefit,
looking at the past award winners and nominees, so I'm tied between either
Trisquel (Ruben) or Minifree (Francis Rowe) for the Advancement of FS award.

Joined: 09/13/2010

In if helps, please keep in mind that the awards are very different.

The Advancement of Free Software award is given to a single person that "who has made a great contribution to the progress and development of free software, through activities that accord with the spirit of free software":

The Free Software Award for Projects of Social Benefit is given to a project or, not a person for "applying free software, or the ideas of the free software movement, in a project that intentionally and significantly benefits society in other aspects of life."

To help draw some contrast and help explain the differences further, consider this: The first winner of the The Advancement of Free Software award was Theo de Raadt for his work on free software: OpenBSD and OpenSSH.

The first winner of the Free Software Award for Projects of Social Benefit was Wikipedia. Wikipedia uses free software but their focus is outside of free software (to help human knowledge by making a free encyclopedia i.e. "a project that intentionally and significantly benefits society ***in other aspects of life.***")

And so, Rubén and Francis would be eligible for the Advancement of Free Software award but not the the Free Software Award for Projects of Social Benefit because their focus isn't outside of free software like, say, Wikipedia is.

Hope this helps keeps things straight. :)

Joined: 06/19/2015

Oh, OK. I was wondering why all the Social Benefit recipients were
organisations... :) Thanks.

Joined: 08/24/2015

None other than richard stallman himself!

Joined: 12/05/2014
Joined: 07/19/2015

Today, you can see how an OS works, thanks to Richard.
Today you can use a fully free OS, thanks to Richard.
Today, you have tons of free software, thanks to Richard and community.
Today, you can use a fully free computer, thanks to Richard and Francis.
Today, you can improve your programming, seeing source code of others programs, thanks to Richard.
Today, you can improve your programs, seeing how other programs work, thanks to Richard.

Yes, Richard did a lot, he defended/defends our freedom, he given us a lot of information, but now he is old, not young, he have his reasons.

Joined: 10/12/2014

And don't forget the fact that he pioneered the concept of copyleft, which uses the principles of copyright law to preserve the right to use, modify and distribute free software.

He is also main author of free software licenses which describe those terms, most notably the GNU General Public License, the most widely used free software license.

So he not only initiated the efforts to build a completely free operating system (GNU) from scratch, but also dedicated time and resources to preserve free software from getting abused by big corporates/individuals with vested interests.

3 cheers to St. IGNUcius, a saint in the Church of Emacs....!!

Joined: 07/19/2015

You're right!

Joined: 05/14/2015

What about nominating someone from Jitsi, for creating a fully free software WebRTC system we can use to wean people off Skype?

Joined: 12/05/2014

Its So hard to chose....

Joined: 08/22/2013

Rubén Rodríguez
Phuk all the others LOL


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Joined: 04/23/2011

I'm not sure Rubén Rodríguez, Francis Rowe, or Richard Stallman are really good candidates for various reasons. RMS is obviously ineligible (or it was to some here anyway). There are a number of other people who deserve recognition for the work they've done including Rubén Rodríguez and Francis Rowe, but I'm skeptical that this award is appropriate for these people. The award has traditionally been given to people who have primarily worked on software development. While there is some of that going on within these projects I'm not convinced I'd call it the primary focus. Packaging, removing code, reverse engineering, and similar efforts are worthy of an award, but that's not really primarily software development.

I think we need a more general award to recognize a slew of people who are making major contributions, but of whom are not directly working on software development projects. This could include people who are managing distributions (ie building, maintaining, and packaging software, and writing bits of code here and there), spreading free software (in significant ways), advocating for release of code from within (think hardware too), designing chips/laptops/desktops/boards that make it possible to run 100% software, fundraising (?is there anybody doing this outside the FSF ?), and similar.

I can think of a dozen people I'd like to nominate and yet I have never nominated anyone as I haven't felt the awards were appropriate to the work they're/were doing. It's my main reason for abstaining. I don't feel that releasing code under a free software license in and of itself is deserving of a free software award. It's important, but it's not everything. There are some primarily software development projects I would think are deserving of giving an award over. However I don't believe these people have actually contributed substantially relative to others including those doing non-(primary)development work.

Joined: 03/12/2015

Reverse engineering is possibly the highest priority the FSF has at the moment. Plus, libreboot is not just about removing blobs, there's also work on automating scripts to make it user-friendly, as well as porting work done upstream at coreboot. IMO it's one of the most important fields of work on free software today. Firmware is our last frontier, and these people are tackling it.


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Joined: 04/23/2011

I totally agree except I still wouldn't call it primarily software development work. Key word being primarily. Just because it takes a person with a computer science degree or software development background doesn't make it software development work. At the same time some software development also doesn't make it primarily a software development thing either. This isn't to belittle those working on these projects. It's just what they are doing is not-quite-the-same thing.

It's why I think there should be another award category for what I'd consider the 'important bits' regardless of the type of work involved that was more broad. I think reverse engineering and other related work is as if not more important. However I'm not a big fan of reverse engineering. I'd rather support the people from within who are getting companies to release code. I already know we have a few people here and there which are doing a tremendous amount of good at getting people at the top of particular companies to recognize there is a problem (ie complying with free software licenses and so on) and getting them to understand what needs to be done to solve non-compliance related issues (and/or release source if its not a compliance issue- ie they own the copyrights).

There are middle managers and others even getting in the way of orders coming down from the top to comply with licenses and release code at some companies. And in other cases the problem is with people at the bottom (not having the time or not wanting to do the work/change habits such that the code can be maintained publicly).


I am a translator!

Joined: 10/31/2014

agree. We have a lot of free software. We need free hardware or at least hardware that is not backdoored.
Rowe it is for me.

Joined: 07/19/2015

Yes, we need hardware. And more people like Francis. And more free firmwares, efi, bios...

Joined: 01/09/2013

Vote for me as the best "TROLL AWARDEE"


I am a translator!

Joined: 10/31/2014

viejito you have had my vote since the day one I came here. Best Troll ever!