Kernen panic

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Joined: 02/18/2016

I have succeeded to persuade my mother to run GNU/Linux. I think that's pretty cool (though it's not a 100% free distro).

But now she has run into a technical issue which I can't solve for her. Hence, I need some help:

What does the information on the attached picture mean, and how can I solve it?

signal-2022-02-03-21-28-21-000.jpg219.29 KB
Joined: 04/01/2021

When this happens, I usually do a web search based on the error message I am getting, and most often there is a detailed how-to in the first four or five results that helps solving the problem. In your case I would probably try: "kernel panic" + "not syncing" + "VFS".

You might also directly search askubuntu, if that is the OS you are using: