lenovo x200 thinkpad wireless external adapter

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Joined: 07/03/2016

Hello everybody, I hope you all are fine.
First of all, I know this topic has been discussed on the forum sometimes, but as the topics are blocked (a thing that I don't understand very well...) I resolve to initiate a new one here. So, sorry and thanks in advance for you patience.
A couple of months ago I bought a lenovo thinkpad x200 to a friend. It was a good deal I think because I managed to pay only 200€ for it. I was excited and then I try to move from my old emachines e620 Gnu/Linux Trisquel laptop to that recent one, but I failed. And failed why? There was no wireless signal after the Trisquel installation on the Lenovo x200. I did some research of this incredible forum and came to know that wireless it was not possible in a x200 lenovo laptop. Somebody suggest to buy internal or external wi-fi card/adapter on thinkpenguin store, but super honestly the prices are too high in my opinion. So I heard that maybe an atheros wifi internal card would fit, and I bought this on ebay:
But guess what, no. This don't do the wireless thing on a lenovo x200!
I consider to forget Trisquel and move to Debian or Ubuntu, but as I am stubborn (And like freedom and free software!), I will try and external wifi adapter, and won't mind to carry it with me all the time.
My question is: I may buy an external adapter on ebay for cheep, but and then if I have the same problem? I would very much count with your experience on this, and ask for your help here, please. I would thank you a lot on this one.
My goal is simply continue to use Trisquel, but on a lenovo thinkpad x200.

Hugs to all and have a good week.

Joined: 07/03/2016

Hello again and thank to both especially Heather!!! Great, I'll buy the D-Link because of the problem of having to install the driver.
I forgot to mention the libreeboot thing. I think I'll try to flash the bios with it, but for now and due to lack of time I'll stick to the external wifi adapter that you so nicely sugest!
Thank you very much that was of great help. If someone wishes to add more compatible hardware to the list, please be my honourable guest. I think this information would and will help so many others in the same situation.