A lightweight tool to write ISOs to a USB stick (Trisquel, Ubuntu, Debian, etc)
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I was looking for a lightweight tool to write Trisquel ISOs to a USB stick and came across mintstick. Have any of you tried this yet? You can grab it for Trisquel 6 from http://packages.linuxmint.com/pool/backport/m/mintstick/ (don't worry, its GPLv2) and it lets you write .iso and .img files to a USB stick. It even lets you format a stick to FAT32, NTFS, and EXT4. The version in this folder is backported from a newer release and should contain the latest features.
You may be saying "well there's already a tool in the repositores" but this one is really really lightweight as the .deb file is 18.7k in size. It may also be a nice tool to add to the community backports or the Trisquel 6/7 repos in the future. If the Trisquel team has to build from the source, it should be no problem as the tar.gz is in the link above.
P.S. More info about it at http://segfault.linuxmint.com/2013/08/usb-stick-formatter/
Since I can't edit my original post, I meant to point out that there's also source code through the GitHub page:
There's also this: https://github.com/abock/image-usb-stick
You can also use dd:
sudo dd if=/path/to/your/image.iso of=/dev/sdX
where X is the letter correnponding to your USB stick.
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