List of removed packages?

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Joined: 05/13/2010

Is there a list of removed packages somewhere we could take a look at? Preferably the list should contain the exact reason for removal. Then we could periodically review the situation as things change.

Adrian Malacoda

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Joined: 12/26/2010

Here is such a list

Most of these packages are removed either because they recommend non-free software, depend on non-free software, are useless without non-free software, or include non-free code.

Trisquel also removes some Ubuntu-specific packages such as branding and Ubuntu One-related packages.

Joined: 05/15/2011
Joined: 05/13/2010

I meant for Trisquel specifically as some of those packages are included but the issues have been worked out.

That's a good list as well though but not what I'm after.

Adrian Malacoda

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Joined: 12/26/2010
Joined: 05/13/2010

Thanks, that looks good. Wonder if it would be a good idea to start a wiki page on why these packages were removed, what do you think?

Adrian Malacoda

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Joined: 12/26/2010

Probably for the reasons I outlined above. I'm curious about compiz, though. I don't think compiz has any non-free parts, but I've seen people here have problems with it, and apparently it only works well with the non-free video drivers.

It's fairly easy to figure out, though:

Anything with "nvidia-..." refers to proprietary nvidia drivers.
"linux-..." refers to the vanilla linux kernel, which is partially non-free.
seamonkey and firefox are on that list because they recommend non-free extensions, and because the Mozilla trademark license forbids commercial distribution.
Anything with "ubuntu" or "ubuntuone" aren't necessarily non-free but are not needed in Trisquel. ubuntu-restricted-extras is the non-free stuff they try to push on you (Adobe Trash, codecs, etc)
app-install-data-commercial and app-install-data-partner are more Ubuntu-related packages
unetbootin lets you install non-FSDG distros, which itself makes it non-FSDG.
vrms is supposed to tell you about non-free software you have installed, but is 1) useless in a fully free distro, and 2) inaccurate according to FSF's standards because it uses Debian's guidelines, which are slightly different.
Software center isn't on the non-FSDG list but is both heavily Ubuntu-branded and sells proprietary software.
ndiswrapper is not non-free but is only useful with Windows wireless drivers, all of which are non-free themselves.
moon is Moonlight, the Mono project's implementation of Microsoft Silverlight (a.k.a. "Silverblight"), which requires non-free codecs
freesci I believe has some non-free code or content
"envyng-..." is another Nvidia related package
No idea about easycrypt. This package isn't mentioned on the NONFSDG list or on the gnu-linux-libre ML.
mame is non-free.

Magic Banana

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Compiz perfectly works with Intel drivers, which are free software. It works as well with the nouveau driver (for nVidia cards) + libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental.