Meet Free Software supporters in Sofia
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I am a Free software activist and developer and founder of a Romanian
foundation for Free Software and Free Culture. Also, I am (and my
foundation is) a Trisquel user.
I just arrived in Sofia for a big conference called OpenFest and I am
leaving back to Bucharest on Monday evening.
I would very much like to meet Bulgarian Free Software supporters (I
meet a lot of "Open Source" guys here anyway). If you see this message
and you are living in Sofia, please drop me a private e-mail so we can
meet. I also have a local phone number I can send you to ease our
Today and on Monday I am staying in the hackerspace called InitLab. This
evening I will be at Don Domat (Veslets & Triaditsa str.) for a Mozilla
meet-up. Tomorrow and on Sunday I'll be at the conference.
On Sunday I will give the first talk about Firefox OS - how does it
work, what proprietary software is included and how we can work to
replace it. The second talk will be about the Romanian foundation called
Fundația Ceata and its vision for Romania and Moldova.
Hope to hear from you,
Tiberiu C. Turbureanu
Președinte, Fundația Ceata
Telefon: +40-761-810-100
GPG: 8B51 53CB 354E 3049 FAE9 3260 F033 8452 4154 1967
Susții libertatea artelor și tehnologiilor?
Înscrie-te ca membru! (
I'm a free software supporter from Bulgaria and a Trisquel user too. I was at OpenFest on both days, since a live in Sofia.
I just saw your message.
Unfortunately, I didn't go to any of your talks. There were many things to do. If I knew you were going to discuss how free Firefox OS is, I would have come.
I've actually might have overheard you talking to someone. I was in the main hall, trying to upload test programs on an Arduino board I've soldered the previous days. While doing this, I overheard too guys who I think were talking in Romanian.
One of the guys said in English, that he is going to organize and event and invite Richard Stallman. This caught my attention, since most people at OpenFest didn't care much about the free software movement. Now I figure that this was probably you. :)
I also did a lightening talk at the event. It was about LibTec: Libre Technology Institute. A project I've started recently, that's involved in education and development of libre technologies, such as free software.
You can contact to me at name at domain, if you want to meet next time. :)
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