Mention RMS, FSF and GPL, see what happens

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Joined: 02/17/2016

... the post gets downvoted, what else would you expect.

Then, 'Open Source' gets the upvote. Shift the blame onto the public sector, and you're vindicated.

I don't even understand why an app like this was not GPL'ed from the beginning. [...] I guess this is one of the results of discrediting Stallman and the FSF so much.

--These parents built a school app. Then the city called the cops--

--Official app was a disaster, so knowledgeable parents built an open source alternative.--

I'm not sure what to think about Stockholm's school web portal Skolplattformen vs. Öppna Skolplattformen.

ars_technica_comment_rms.png32.69 KB

I am a translator!

Joined: 08/18/2020

Thanks for the interesting link (I have only read the English part), but I am a little confused by this:

The city was changing its position on Öppna Skolplattformen—and any other apps seeking to do similar things—and decided to let others access the data within its systems. To do so, the city struck a deal with an external provider that will be able to set up licenses between Öppna Skolplattformen and the city.

What does it mean to "setup licenses" here? The free app is indicated to be under the Apache 2.0 license, is that talking about a license for the non-free components previously developped by the city? I am rather confused here.

Joined: 02/17/2016

'Set up licenses' means charging for the binaries, I think.

"Landgren now hopes Öppna Skolplattformen will be able to strike a deal with the City of Stockholm that will result in the city paying for a license to the app. The aim is for it to be made free for all parents. “It's going to look a lot like [the city] buying Microsoft Office,” Landgren says. “A typical license deal.” If the deal can be struck—the details and numbers are still being negotiated—Öppna Skolplattformen volunteers will be paid for their contributions, he says. The founders say the effort has never been about making money and that they have always intended to give any funds generated through downloads to the parents who created it."

The source code is free for everybpdy to download and compile but the mobile app in the store is not free as in free beer.

It looks like the Open Source App Developers require that the city pay for their work and hand out the app free of charge to the school kids' parents.

Joined: 11/01/2021

That is insane... what the hell is wrong with these people...

Libre apps are good! Open source is sometimes good, proprietary is evil as can be!

So weird... people are nuts I guess...