Monolithic programming

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Joined: 11/24/2016

Does anyone know a monolithic programming language?.

See it if you don't know what it is monolithic programming:

It's a subparadigm of non-structured programming.

Magic Banana

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Well, the oldest versions COBOL were monolithic, hence incomprehensible. Anyway, COBOL was a huge commercial success: it was technically terrible (FORTRAN was much better for instance) but "business-oriented" (the BO in COBOL stands for that). COBOL gained the PERFORM loop in 1985.

Joined: 11/24/2016

Do you know a compiler for those monolithic versions? I also saw that and forth and algol also have monolithic versions.

Magic Banana

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Apparently, GnuCOBOL (still named OpenCOBOL in Trisquel 7's repository) has a flag -std=cobol85 (with the PERFORM loop) but not -std=cobol74 (without it). I guess older COBOL code will usually compile with -std=cobol85. But if you want to learn an imperative language, choose a good one like C. Programmers who use COBOL nowadays are almost always forced too: they work on an antique code base (for instance, banks still run a lot of COBOL).

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I know some things of C and i am learning Java at university (and MatLab |:(| )

Magic Banana

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Instead of Matlab, use GNU Octave or Scilab for your assignments. And talk to your professor about it.

Joined: 11/24/2016

I am using them and GNU R. About my teacher, is not a teacher problem, it is a university problem.

Magic Banana

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How so?

Joined: 11/24/2016

GNU R and GNU Octave are not 100% compatible with MatLab, i need use it at university computers to probe my programs and i also need use his manuals. At university, the use of MatLab is due to its excessive use in the scientific environment.

Magic Banana

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GNU R has nothing to with Matlab. GNU Octave or Scilab are excellent free software substitute to Matlab.

Joined: 11/24/2016

GNU R has some expresions MatLab compatible. SciLab has the same problem that GNU Octave, it is not 100% MatLab compatible but many expressions are the same.

I only name GNU R and GNU Octave because GNU Octave and SciLab are MatLab compatible with the same expressions or similar in many cases.

Joined: 11/24/2016

Also, i am using first option on my PC and the two options on university's PCs.

Another package that i think to use:

It is used generaly to port MatLab programs to R but it is very good to the other case.