Mounting drive upon log-in

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Joined: 06/20/2013

I use a separate partition on my hard drive for my music, but I always have to mount it when I log in before I can play music. How can I make the partition automatically mount when I log in, so I don't have to do it manually?

Andrew R.
Joined: 09/27/2013

On 12/11/13 10:13, oralfloss wrote:
> I use a separate partition on my hard drive for my music, but I
> always have to mount it when I log in before I can play music. How
> can I make the partition automatically mount when I log in, so I
> don't have to do it manually?

You can edit /etc/fstab so that it will automatically mount on boot.
Look up the man page or do an internet search for info on how to edit it.



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Joined: 02/25/2010

If you install PySDM (available in the Trisquel repositories), you can do it without messing around with cryptic configuration files.


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Joined: 08/13/2013

I had this exact same problem. I tried to get it to mount the manual way, but in the end, I too ended up installing PySDM. I am glad it did--it is really easy to manage drives with it, and since using it, I've had no problems with my data drive automounting at startup. I highly recommend it.

Joined: 05/13/2010

Editing fstab is the correct way to go. Let the machine do the work, it doesn't mind.

Both fstab and mount have good manual pages.